Wednesday, April 27, 2011

08: How I hope my future will be like

How I hope my future will be like? well one can only hope and leave it in God's hands.. but if i could live the dream future I've been wanting, I'd want to be a college graduate who gets stoned everyday, with kids who also get stoned with me...of course after they reach past the age of 5..but with that, my husband MAY NOT be a pothead and must work his butt off to make ends meet or least to provide trees for us. haha, nah that'd be interesting and wild to have though.

(ok, a little inappropriate)..but on a serious note...,

... I do hope that my future will be full of surprises every day. That one day, I will graduate and become a physical therapist because of how ridiculous the journey it is to get that far, that one day, I will find that "sole" to my "mate" =D, and have put the K(rackin) in Kids when i do find that dear ol' mate. Can't forget to add to my list that i SHALL find and buy myself a house in SF...nothing from the sunset area though. And after all that? TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH MY FAMILY to all the best cities in the world and take the best pictures in the world.

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