Wednesday, April 6, 2011

08: A Moment you felt most satisfied with life.

I forgot that I was working on this 30 day challenge...i'll continue.

A lot of people have different moments that not only take your breath away but gives you that feeling of being so content with life where no one could pull you down from sitting on top of the world. I've had my share of ups and downs along with different occassions that have given me the satisfaction of life, but this certain moment of my life definitely made me feel like i was unbreakable. So a moment that I've felt most satisfied with life? Well, the most satisfaction I've gotten out of was the recent job I just got.

With this whole economy bust, hours cut, school tuition raised, times have been a bit tough. I know there are people who have it way worse than I did/do and I like to live a bit more lavishly than others, which I won't deny, but money for a college student doesn't usually come easy. Referee hours was barely cutting it for me when in season and the extra time I had spent on my bed perusing useless crap online due to the one class on monday/wednesdays was not making me feel any more productive, so i figured i'd go out there and get myself a job and help my parents out a bit so they wouldn't have to pay for my little wants and needs. Last October, I applied to 12 jobs in and around the malls in San Jose and around 24 Physical therapy clinics. I didn't recieve ONE call/email/or text. Well excluding nordstroms but they didnt like my schedule. Then I got the nike interview which I blew and totally shattered my dreams. I felt like I was good for nothing and that this world was just as filthy as I thought it was because no one wanted me. Everyday I complained and vented to my roommate about how these other lame and lazy workers get a job and I'm over here, willing to work my butt off but can't get any love for a company still be unemployed. Well weeks and weeks passed and I got absolutely nothing.

Christmas arrived, which meant basketball was back in season! I could finally breathe knowing there was something in my wallet. And life as you know it...goes on, stopped job searching, reffed my butt off for the next couple months, and then....boom. I get a random call from a Texas area code while driving. And its the Boiling Crab general manager asking if i was still interested for a job with them at their new location. Didnt think anything of it, decided oh wtheck might as well try, if i get it, i get it. Whatever.

Day of the interview, i'm up all night not because I'm nervous but because I'm sick with a fever, runny nose, headache, sore throat, etc. Up at 5 am, shower at 6, wait for my friend to bring my clothes and shoes from the city, and my interviews at 10, and my friend never even shows up with my profesh looking clothes. I'm not looking forward to this interview. Heck, I didnt think I had any chance cause i didnt wear make up like all the girls that worked there. Eh, showed up.. was a whole nother character during the interview...added a couple of interesting fake information about myself..told them that everytime i went to BC i LOVED their customer service and always wanted to be their friends...i couldnt even remember a face when making that b.s. comment.. but went home and knocked right back out the rest of the day. Didnt even feel nervous, stressed, or scared about whether or not I got hired.

A week later, got a call back saying they wanted me as part of their team. Sweet baby jesus, I was STOKED. I've never more satisfied at that exact moment when they told me they hired me. I wasnt happy and stoked because I was now an official BOILING CRAB team employee, but because FINALLY, after searching for a job and the countless rejections, I finally feel worth to something, someone. I felt that all the hard work I put in the beginning finally worked out to it in the end. And what was more satisfying, was that I earned the job on my own with no hookups or connections through people.

I would have posted this entry when I first got the job, but with my parents strong disapproval and hatred against my decisions, I was in distraught and sadness. But times have rolled through and theyre ok now, which makes me fine and dandy. I couldn't have felt more satisfied receiving that call than anything. This whole story probably sounds like a whole stupid corny lame and dumb moment to you but when you accomplish something on your own after feeling unworthy of anything, that satisfaction will never feel the same.

"Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galations 6:9

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