Monday, March 7, 2011

restaurant biz: part III

Finally got in a shift today and after working today, I just want to let everyone know that reads this that CHINESE people are NOT the only cheapo's. However, I don't disagree that they aren't cheapo's.

I was serving today and I had a group of Filipinos and Latinos (don't mean to call out the race, but it only helps my story) and the group of filipno's order cost $90.00 plus couple change...and I KNOW FOR A FACT I served them pretty swell and gave them at LEAST A service if not A+..and they pay me in ca$h and tell me to keep the change..then had the nerve to ask me.. IS FIBE (5) DOLLARS ENOUP (enough) TEEPPS (tips) POR (for) YOU? uhm, first off just my opinion..i wouldnt even have known if you didnt tell me dummy. but of course, i had to suck it up and give them a fat smile and say "OH yea, thats fine." what were they really expecting me to say? CHEAPOS!

Towards the end of the night I help out this Latin Family, give em' my full attention and service since they were the last ones and it wasnt so busy. No complaints or attitudes thrown around, very friendly. Check came out to about $84 something so they tip me.. except these LAZY people dont want to use their brain so they call me over and tell me to subtract for them $90.00 (which was the total of the check that included their "tip") from $84. REALLY? they only tipped me 6 bucks! first of all the can't even subtract 90-84 and then only tip me less than half! Lord, I pray hard for their infant kids. CHEAPOS!

.....and my dad tries to convince me that this job is "NBR" aka no brain required. RUDE!

So there you have it, watch yaself and dont go throwin around that Chinese people are the only cheapos out there!

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