Sunday, March 20, 2011

The "New" generation

No restaurant biz part whatever number I'm on for todays post, just some two cents thought of hilariousness-ridiculousness of things or thing I heard from one of my friends this week. I hope she doesn't kill me for putting this story on blast but I thought it was a huge reality check for me (and some others) but i won't put her name on blast. Anyway,......
She was explaining to me how she caught some disease, actually I'm not even really sure what they call it these days but in actual terms or "medical" terms I should say, she got gonnorhea. Of anyones first reaction, of course it would be in total shock being tested positive for such a horrendous STD. So when she found out she was tested positive for the STD, she was in shock, panic, frightened, nervous, etc.. you get the point and most of all in tears. The funny part was when the dr. on the other end told her that she was blah blah etc. etc. and then ended on the most nonchalant note/tone of voice saying "and oh yea, you were tested positive for gonnorhea" in case you missed that last part let me translate for that for you in today's "new generation" explanation.... "blah blah blah etc have contracted gonnorhea, no big deal" My friend is going crazy in humiliation and asking him why he's saying it so calmly and telling her like its no big deal? And then he replies.......
..."Oh its nothing to worry about, GONNORHEA IS AS COMMON as the COMMON COLD."

Now I dont know about you but THAT is DISGUSTING and I sure don't ever want to contract an STD, think its nothing, and is just as common as a cold. People these days need to seriously clean themselves up, they cant be thinking that being an undercover walking STD is the new Wiz Khalifa or whatever is in these days to you to be walking around passing it to people like free $$$. I know technology is all great and dandy and can cure your STD (other than aids and herpes) with just a shot in the ass, but please please please handle your biz. If gonnorhea is as common as a cold, at this rate in ten years, we'll all be walking STD's. Save me the tears and stress, but I want to see Jesus STD -free.

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