Monday, August 9, 2010

another era ends while another begins.

We all grow up with something or usually somethingS near and dear to our hearts. Our childhood usually instills a huge part in our lives. We or i should speak for myself in this case, that I tend to always reminisce on one of the best childhood memories one could ever ask for. Although i recently discovered one of the best quotes that said "if you carry your childhood with you, you'll never grow older"by Tom Stoppard, i realized that i need to seriously get out of this childhood mentality, because although the good ol' days are sooo bittersweet, we all need to stop being nostalgic and live in the present. Enough about blabbing, i just wanted to say that this year marks the tenth year of many things in my life..many things that died this year..for example, my T.V., my microwave, and among them westmoor's giammona pool that I grew up with.. Sunday was the last open pool and it was nice that SF church booked their last VBS party there also.

To the good ol' memories here..from all the birthday parties with the huge alligator, swimming classes that i failed at guppies level -__-, the cold, COLD fog and weather when you come out of the building, the musty, rusty, and dirty floors, the rats, and the lessons we had from p.e. classes back in hs, swimming with socks, and many more.. I will DEF miss you giammona, youve been such a great addition to my childhood after 21 years.
the infamous hottub..
and the ever so VERY infamous tacky colored building that will be demolished this week.
thanks for the memmys, giammona.

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