Monday, August 30, 2010

the diary of Hanky Mardukous!

i have officially become a dog hater to now a dog LOVER. Here is Hank Mardukous. Don't ask about the name, just watch I Love you man. He's adorable, a bit on the stinky side, but adorable. So we decided to have a mini photoshoot with him. And let me tell you, he was NOT a happy camper before, during, or after the shoot. Oh, and i have not clue what kind of dog this mut is. neither does the owner.
ok alex is doing yoga supposedly the doggy move with a dog. -___-.
Breast Feeding sessh #1.
Breast feeding sesshh #2
Shaking a baby can cause brain damage at a young age. please pass this onto the owner of this dog.
eeee too much love.
then it peed on me...
hence the wet pits.
he looks hella annoyed. HAHA teacup anyone?

Diary of a scholar.

As the summer winds down, school is back in session, and the days just seem to drag on longer than they should. I'm not sure if it's a bad or good thing though. So it's back to me sitting in this $25 rolling chair i bought from ikea for 16 of the 24 hours of the day. The Good ol' dead Sunday to Wednesday. Which leaves me to have extra time to #1: blog, #2: leisure reading, #3: think beyond the surface, and #4 gain weight doing absolutely nothing but excercising my brain cells. Summer = brainlessly excercising the body, Fall & Spring = Excercising the brain leads to gaining body weight. Since I'm back on that school grind, the first days of school after observing three years of college never seem to not entertain me. I'll speak for the people who, like me, go to school just because. We're not really FULLY completely motivated to graduate but rant on about wanting to get outta college, but deep down in their hearts, would KILL to live the college life FOREVER if it wasnt so pricey & embarassing to be in school that long.
Anyway, what "WE" do on the first few days of school:

First Day: We do the usual, head to class, find the perfect seat where we can look like we're paying attention but still be on our phones under the tables, behind a fat/big person, or some eye candy we just saw sitting across the room. While the teacher reads us the syllabus as if we don't know how to read, we're scoping out the cuties in the room, potential friends, lovers, hookups, eye relaxers, anything that'll get our motivate us to never miss a single class that semester. We spot out where they sit, we memorize, plot, and plan out how we will somehow win our way over next to them the next class session.

Next Class meeting: We don't completely show up early so you can sit right next to them, because what happens if theyre late and they don't get that seat they were just sitting in? I lose. We show up a good 5 - 7 minutes before class begins. Sit down innocently and plot the most stupidest but most relevant question to the ONE thing the professor said during his explanation of complete ZzZ's. After class is over, we turn around to that cutie and ask them that question hoping they'll answer it eventhough you know exactly what the answer is or could give a rat's *** to what the answer is. Whatever the answer is, you then go on to introduce yourself etc..and Oh Heyyy...the next class, and the one after that, you've become friends! And the fire begins....

Third class meeting and the meetings after: You can show up late to class or whatever because everyone pretty much knows where everyones seated and whos seat is who. And while youre thinking of ways to get to know each other better, ways to woo his heart into the palm of your hands, your eyes begin to droop, brain begins to fart, and your body falls into a deep food coma thanks to the lecture thats SOOO boring to handle you end up doing this:

and pretty much from then on, you do the same thing until semester so nothing ends up happening. The fire has died, the semester is over, and you move onto the next semester hoping, waiting, and wishing for the fire to last a little longer than two classes.

minding your own BEESwax.

I'm probably going to sound like a total racist writing this entry but from what I had encountered today, i think it'll be a legit reason as to why it angers me. After reading this encounter i had with black people or to some of you "aka" midang, eggot, negro, ka-la, sow-yew,'ll be like "omg em, that is SOO legit" or you can have your own opinion and I wouldn't know thanks to the chinese people leaving comments in chinese leading me to disarm my comments option.
So on i go with my story:

It was nice and sunny day in japantown, sf. Drove there to pick up a shirt at fatlace. Good mood and everything. Walked down a hill and realized i forgot my camera sitting in the car in the open public so i ran back up to grab it and on the way down it was a green light. I took two steps off the sidewalk and the light turns yellow! A real local sf person would usually disregard the yellow light and keep walking, and thats exactly what i was about to do. Until the next thing i know while i'm a bout to get my step off to begin running across the street like a mad cow, a MUNI bus turns onto the street i'm crossing onto. So basically if you were watching from the side, it was me and the bus rushing to see who could make the light but both of us did NOT realize we were both crossing, until we're head to head 10 feet apart. So he brakes, i brake (im walking) i step back and give the a$$hole the right of way. So of course, i'm about to get hit by the bus and i hear loud sighs of OH! and Ah! and of course the infamous of them all (*read in a ghetto tone) "oh HELL nah, you bouta DIE! first of all you jaywalkin, and second you aint even lookin! you tryna die?!" CONSTANT bickering as i turn around and see a homeless black a-hole talkin mad crap to me. Not only do i get unecessary mushrooms growing through my ears from this black male's jibberish, I turn around and ANOTHER black FEMALE is running her mouth at me from the other end. Like excuse me? First of all, i DID NOT get hit by the bus, second of all, i don't hear any OTHER people running their mouths besides BLACK people right now, and third of all, AM I THE ONLY ONE that notices BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO MIND THEIR OWN BEESWAX!? This is NOT the first time I have encountered this, but lets not get started on that. Anyways, in anger and frustration from hearing nonsense and ebonics running through my ears, I use a little cuss words here and there and told them off like STFU and MIND your own biznass, and what does mr. homeless-negro-on-a-janky-bike say? "Oh its my bizznezz if you get hit in fronta me, Oh its my bizznezz! You bouta die, etc etc etc." Well the only part pathetic about this whole situation is....I DIDN'T get hit! So why in the world is this man yelling at me as if I just died and woke up again in hell? Not only am i hearing him, i hear this woman (black) telling me off as if these two male and females were my PARENTS? Then, the light turned green for me so i crossed the street mouthing off few vents..while my sister is on the other corner of the sidewalk wondering what all the fuss was about thinkin the man was yellin at his only find out it was her precious baby sister fighting a world war III between the chinese vs. blacks. Now lets not bring up the few chinese vs. black vids we've seen on youtube from the sf muni bus now do we? Anyways, I hate to stereotype and generalize Black people, but it was too obvious in this situation where they thought they ruled the world. The last time i checked, lauryn hill & nas were the only ones who could rule the world.

Nonetheless, I'm glad I didn't get hit by that bus, died, and woke up in hell to realize i'll have to one day, see those annoying black people from today. Ooops, did i just say that?

..and i'm beginning to feel the same. HAHA j/k. Black cinema = #1.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


i've been on blog vacation for one too many days. my apologies for the daily readers which im sure i've lost a couple a long the way because i haven't updated in days. Have no fear, i will be hopefully blogging more now that i'll be living in san jo more and have more time on my hands. I've been a bit discouraged or more lazy too from blogging because i tried to upload pics before school started and this stupie blog wouldnt upload it. Maybe it was just my scrappy old laptop actin up, but hopefully it'll stretch my patience and let me upload the bad boys. Check em on FB if you cant wait, but for the others who don't have me as their friend...lone and behold, they will be up asap. But for now, i have this on my mind to think about:

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I,I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
so deep, so deep now that my brain is a bit more mature than it was being first exposed to this clueless, in 7th grade. Thanks peggy vollert, for giving me the extra knowledge.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

flew right on by..

R.I.P. to one of the greatest music money shaker's back in the day. 9 quick years sure did pass us by. I could remember when we first heard about the news, one of my close friends was ballin like her mom just passed.. the goodol' days. haha..

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Play another slow jam, this time make sweet..

For all those people born in the 80s, lived through the music of the 90s..i think you'll enjoy this one. Its no hiphop but for the slowjammies to end your night since they don't play this on 106, the lounge..enjoy. * Funfact: Pinks first group "choice" singing key to my heart. IMO, R&B at it's finezt. And to think, since when was there a white R&B group? Go ahead, add it to your itunes. And blast it in your car, windows down, crappy speakers, hair flying in the wind and everythang.

The 5 .coms of Chivalry.

Chivalry (shiv-uhl-ree): 1.qualities such as courtesy and courage 2.courtesy towards women. …..In other words, a gentleman.

There are 5 main .coms that just give us the natural highs(turn ons) or lows (turn offs) towards guys.. Somethings you should never expect while others, should think twice about keeping or dumping the guy. Is chivalry dead?

#1. Holding the door open for your date. We don’t expect you to be my chauffeur and personal door opener all around. But sometimes it’d be nice when you could open the door for a girl instead of opening the door, getting our hopes of thinking you ARE “Thee one” cause you just opened the door for us, only to realize that you opened the door for yourself and walked right in before I could even take my next step through that door. I’ll give you a break on opening the car door because us girls aren’t queens, but simple gestures can go a long way.

#2. Table etiquette/mannerisms. Boys will “always be boys” and they usually don’t have much table manners, and we understand that. But it’d be nice if you could hold your own as in hold the food in your mouth without having a pea sized chewed chicken flap onto our upper lip and then carry on with the conversation acting as if you didn’t just have something fly out your mouth. When you talk, we don’t want to hear you chewing your food, let alone talking with your mouth open. Do yourself, us, and your future kids a favor. Then after the meal, you begin to pick at your teeth not politely with a napkin over your mouth but with your longer pinky nail (that we all know what it’s for) to get them corn pieces stuck in the crevices of your priceless smile. When this happens, we just try to ignore it even though we're trying to hold ourselves from squealing and barfing in our mouth at the same time confused as to where your manners went. Our sign of attempting to ignore this is when you see us smiling nodding our head like we're ok with your hygiene, thinking in our brain, WTH did i just get myself into,

#3. Girls wearing the pants. And by that I mean girls having to go the extra distance to meet up with the bf. Always having to go over to their place because he’s lazy and he’s the man, so you cater to make him feel more of a man. I don’t think we expect you to ALWAYS come over to our pad, but it’d be nice if you’d be the person to initiate and offer to come over or offer to be the driver when going out. Especially if we’re hanging out late and the night would probably be over around 2-3 in the morning and we’re driving home by ourselves, our precious little selves.

#4. Waiting for your date to safely get in. I had a good friend about five years ago bring up chivalry to me. I honestly had no clue what it even was until he started talking about how he thinks chivalry is dead and went on about it. He didn’t want it to be a “non chivalrist” so he did the whole chivalry shabang towards me although we had clearly nothing going on between us except friendship. After learning about “chivalry” in a manner of 30 minutes just from his actions, the bar was set pretty darn high. What a gentleman (J.WAI)! I was visiting his hometown and he brought me back to his cousins place, not only did he offer to drive me, but he walked me back to the door to make sure I got in safely. These days, when your bf/guy friend/whatever you want to call them, drops you off you don’t expect them to actually walk you to your door but to AT LEAST wait in the car until we get INSIDE the house so you could then speed off because you couldn’t believe how bad the date was or slowly drive off cause you can’t get over how great the date was and you don’t want it to end. When you wait, it gives us a sign that you actually genuinely care about us, because situation being, in those simple little 2 minutes that we’re trying to get into our house, we get kidnapped, raped, and killed?!?! Ok, I know that may sound over exaggerated but…how would you feel??…

#5. Talking WAY too much about your yourself and your past/present/future. We have our own past, a personality, and lives of our own, but you don’t see us over advertising it. We weren’t born yesterday nor were we sheltered our whole lives until we met you (well I hope not at least) so choose wisely and sparingly on what you want to share, ones that’ll turn us on, not off. Therefore, we don’t want to hear about your past girlfriends, your past relationships, etc..ONE too many times. Its nice you like to share, but you don’t have to remind us, we heard you the first time. Then after your past you go into details boasting highly about yourself, I mean we care and like that you’re sharing about yourself which is why we gave in to dating you, but give us space to share about ourselves too sometimes. We don’t want to hear about how your mom and dad got a divorce, how your dog ate your hw and prevented you from graduating from the eighth grade, etc..all on the first few dates while you only know that I’m a girl and well, that I’m interested in you. Save us the trouble, grief, and fakeness of acknowledging more than we should know about your life go through one ear and straight out the other.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

virgin + sfgiants + swimming = GRAND.

this summer has MOS def got to be one of the best yet, EVER. The best part is that it hasn't even ended and won't end until labor day weekend..or if all goes through, we'll stretch my summer into fall even with school going on..LIFE is GRAND & i am SURE blessed.

on the way back from paly, off 280, rollin into fog city. Does any other city get this craze like we do? It almost looks like snow mountains.
All the pics from now go on backwards through out the day...SF giants game gainst the padres not much there to support the team but more to get the BOGO virgin airline vouchers. two thumbs up, Howla! but heres after the giants game after walking 2 miles down embacadero to catch the bart, we decided to have a jump to celebrate!
a bit of a fail though.
the coke slide at AT&T park, probably one of the oldest ones on the slide without a kid, but the innerchild never dies..
ball park garlic fries on a freezing day. schlummies all around.
her first NIGHT giants game.
his first giants game, with the best view.. well kinda.
NOTHING beats sitting in the nosebleeder seats enjoying the fans who arent so into baseball but love the atomosphere, are drunk, and OBNOXIOUS baggin and harassing every padre fan out there in the seats with us.. courtesy of the people sitting in front of us.
our swimming party that many, many employed people missed out on, for that, we present to you our swimming party pic!
shamu is beasty for carrying all four of us fat lards..
underwater pics to follow lata...
i have no clue why this is turned..-__-.
pool parties + tans..= closer to being "binhs".
the real "binhs" of richmond.
tryna get shams through the door.

Monday, August 16, 2010


“It made me wonder how many times we forgive just because we don’t want to lose someone, even if they don’t deserve our forgiveness.” -Sarah Dessen (courtesy of s.yen)

How fitting in all aspects of life right now..or at least in mines. I don't believe there is always a place, time, and person for forgiveness. It's NOT that easy. There comes a point in time where you just have to grow up, get over it, and realize that "someone" was just another lesson in life. Remember, learn, and apply. Especially if its not once or twice they did you wrong but more than that, you need to stand up and do yourself one of the biggest favors. Forget what other people think, it's not about being understanding or "nice"'ve become a pushover and the loser in the situation. So be the bigger (and smarter) person, move on, as hard as it gets know that that "someone" just LOST you, you didn't lose them. Easy as 1-2-3, well ..almost.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


natural highs- courtesy of mike from his friend..

-The first bite after being extremely hungry.
-When my food is finally done heating up.
-The arrival of packages.
-Remembering that I cleaned my room when I walk in.
-The first night of sleeping in my bed with newly washed sheets and pillow cases.
-Finding money in old clothes.
-Remembering something I tried to remember.
-Giving directions to strangers.
-Receiving compliments.
-Finally taking a leak after waiting for so long.
-Deep conversations.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"When you love someone… truly love them, friend or lover, you lay your heart open to them. You give them a part of yourself that you give to no one else, and you let them inside a part of you that only they can hurt-you literally hand them the razor with a map of where to cut deepest and most painfully on your heart and soul. And when they do strike, it’s crippling-like having your heart carved out. It leaves you naked and exposed, wondering what you did to make them want to hurt you so badly when all you did was love them. What is so wrong with you that no one can keep faith with you? That no one can love you? To have it happen once is bad enough… but to have it repeated? Who in their right mind would not be terrified of that" -sherrilyn kenyon

Monday, August 9, 2010

another era ends while another begins.

We all grow up with something or usually somethingS near and dear to our hearts. Our childhood usually instills a huge part in our lives. We or i should speak for myself in this case, that I tend to always reminisce on one of the best childhood memories one could ever ask for. Although i recently discovered one of the best quotes that said "if you carry your childhood with you, you'll never grow older"by Tom Stoppard, i realized that i need to seriously get out of this childhood mentality, because although the good ol' days are sooo bittersweet, we all need to stop being nostalgic and live in the present. Enough about blabbing, i just wanted to say that this year marks the tenth year of many things in my life..many things that died this year..for example, my T.V., my microwave, and among them westmoor's giammona pool that I grew up with.. Sunday was the last open pool and it was nice that SF church booked their last VBS party there also.

To the good ol' memories here..from all the birthday parties with the huge alligator, swimming classes that i failed at guppies level -__-, the cold, COLD fog and weather when you come out of the building, the musty, rusty, and dirty floors, the rats, and the lessons we had from p.e. classes back in hs, swimming with socks, and many more.. I will DEF miss you giammona, youve been such a great addition to my childhood after 21 years.
the infamous hottub..
and the ever so VERY infamous tacky colored building that will be demolished this week.
thanks for the memmys, giammona.
"All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost;
the old that is strong does not wither,
deep roots are not reached by the frost.
from the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring;
renewed shall be a blade that was broken,
the crowness again shall be king."
-J.R.R. Tolkien

hints of the last few days of summer. =(

i've been so m.i.a. from this blog..but in two weeks, sadly school begins which only means that i'll be or should be updating this blog a bit more since i have time to relax and chill in sj. anyways, heres how my past few weeks of thrills, excitement, and a whole lotta fun has been.

a week late, but a huge congrats to the last but not least and GREAT entertainment wedding of the year to Nawsan & Carol.
the clubbers..or should i say failed clubbers..haha
the O girls.
dirty dirty game.
fighting over the bouquet after kzp won it..they wanna get married already..
just recently got back from camping with some pals about an experience. 7 noobs in the middle of nowhere with no guys to help pitch up a tent, cook, or cater to us. but i love the way everything worked out and we were so prepared for everything and anything. so booyah to the ones who didnt think we'd survive without any boys, including myself hehe.
we went from pitching up a tent all by ourselves..for about 2 hours.
"smoking" the huge weedless paper blunt.
to takin down the tent in 100+ degree weather.
to fallin asleep on the backdoor of the tent from lack of sleep all night.
to sleeping head to head and toe to face in 90+ degree weather at 6am.
to stargazing/campfire nights with an car alarm war.
to cooking and grilling burgers at night pitch dark with flashlights, camera flash, and a whole lotta knats and flies in our food.
to enjoying the sunset.
"hakuna matata"
to bbq-ing bodies in the sun by the lake.wading in the lake.. to getting a tan and THEE WORSE sunburn that looks like another built in beater.
relaxing in the sun..halfway ko'd.
to an A+ for effort making sunnyside eggs for breakfast.
and lastly, to a great relaxed camping trip that turned out way better than expected and great bonding. nothin beats out middle school rivals and middle school friendships to still, present -day friendships. =)