Wednesday, April 7, 2010

simple things in life we forget..

a while back there was an article on 101 small pleasures in life..some we dont even realize, some i didnt even realize until i read this article, thought about it..pondered, pondered and definitely thinkin about the ones that do give me the simplest pleasures in life, i thought i could remind myself..and you too that even the littlest things in life can put a smile on your face. below are the ones i enjoyed the can check out the others through this link

-crisp cotton sheets (right when you change your sheets and get into them..ahhh love)
-soft skin
-sleeping in
-a genuine compliment (giving or receiving)
-a handwritten letter
-waking up in a good mood...for no real reason
-singing in the shower (at the top of your lungs and then half way through you forget the lyrics so you make up some words or hum it)
-finding a couple forgotten dollars in your pocket
-an afternoon nap
-your favorite song
-saying thank you (or someone sayin thanks back)
-old fashioned photo booths.( or anything old fashion period. )
-inspiring blogs
-the funny things kids say
-a novel you can get lost in
-finding the perfect piece of clothing...on sale (we all def like this)
-clean laundry
-a long walk that clears your head
-a bear hug
-butterflies (including the ones in your stomach)
-singing along to the radio and knowing all the words
-happy endings...even if they're fictional
-puppies (never in a million years would i ever keep this on my pleasure list)
-root beer floats
-holding open the door...
...or having someone hold the door for you
-really great advice
-green lights all the way home
-a great hair day with no effort (I LOVE THIS ONE)
-when someone falls asleep with their head on your shoulder
-cheesy, uplifting musicals
-love letters
-old friends... friends
-a pull-through parking space (AND PLAYA PARKING)
-kissing someone you love
-jumping in puddles (only with rainboots)
-old photographs
-your softest t-shirt
-a new magazine in the mail (dont you feel popular)
-having exact change

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