Tuesday, April 6, 2010

eggsclaiming happiness for SPRINGBREAK.

below are some pictures from spring break..or more like the first and last day of spring break..thanks to a camera fail of losing my camera bag thinking it was in oakland..only to find out it was sitting in daly city at danielles house the whole time -___-. FAIL. nonetheless, spring break was good and relaxing for my brain. no hardcore thinking all week. Got to catch up with old friends, toured the best city in America, and celebrated the best thing about being a christian..not to mention i am GLAD i am back in SJ =).

Palm Sunday, Jesus is coming, he sure is coming!...but his horse is a bit winded from the long ride.
preparation for prom..with the WNBA player. a bit massive if you ask me..no ladders, boosters, or chairs. just a small room for a small girl with a big friend.=)
Sunday morning- EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE. the view from Oaklandports. Hooray for NO RAIN!
Easter egg hunt for the little two troublemakers.
egg stealer.
proud owners of plastic eggs and proud to be up and awake at 6 in the morning.
boys, boys, boys, boys, boys we do adore.
eggsclusive pictures.
eggstatic group!
charades, guess which movie....
eggsiting egg dyes.
toooo lovelay.
taste the rainbow...and smell the farts later..
color mixture fail.
RoeRoe the craycray.
my babies..that were meant for htoi's bridal shower..until johnny sat on them and cracked the girl in half...=( ...leading me to eat it.
oh why hello bonquiqui.
Htoi's bridal shower to end the long day...
a happy bra..and a sexy bra..awww how cute. HAHA
and early "pre birthday celebration"...happy birthday and congratulations htoi!

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