Wednesday, February 10, 2010


so im taking this course on child adolescence psychology and todays dreadful three hours lecture is based on i thought hey, why not....three hours..mite as well blog and update...

so i decided to write bout my previous years growing up, going through poverty,...and the rest of the goods in a nutshell...enjoy.

So when i was growing up, most of you guys that know me quite well ....was a massive tomboy or no..i wouldnt really consider it a tomboy..more of a straight up bad to the point, i would be mistaken for a boy=( oh.. heartbreaking confidence levels went down theere... basically my puberty years were pretty like as of a boy excluding the whole boobs and *icks exchanged. haha going through puberty i thought boys were THEEE *hiiiit.. therefore, wanting no DYING and wishing to be a was so much dresses, ugly platform heels, shaved/ short hair...etc.

the key points i thought was cool back then but now thinking back, i'm soo hurt and disturbed:

1.voice. i would be often told that my voice was getting lower like a guy..specifically during the SavageGarden-truly madly deeply era.
2. my hair. did not contribute to my girlishness when i had a boy mushroom cut for about five years..until it hit me in 7th grade that all the guys were totally hittin on the girls with long greazy the time i realized and grew out my hair, jackie chan looks had come into play..not cute
3. my style. was uncomparable..i had GOT to be theee most stylish looking tomboy..rockin the red windbreakers, oversized know the sleaze
4. period. this may be a bit awkward for some guys to read..but ugh..i think this has GOT to be the worse thing any girl has to go through...when i first got mines i freakedddd out..ran around the house shocked..i fell down the flight of stairs going down to my room half naked. then you get that weird stench in the beginning of your period cycle that when you dont shower...(which everyone knows no one liked to do when they were younger) you would get this fish odor that no one would have the balls to tell you, you reaked. thank God for maturing, showering, and clean fresh smell.
5. boobs. i think as an athlete and a always want your boobs to be as flat as possible...ugh..two bee stings on your chest is not always a good thing growing up as a tomboy.

ugh puberty is soooooo embarassing.

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