Sunday, February 7, 2010

diaries of a referee.

i feel like ive been letting my daily readers down but not blogging anything of much interest except some random (some lame) quotes and mini pics.. so i'll rant and rave about my interesting yet annoying job that doesnt pay me enough to deal with soo much b.s.

so many of you probably wonder whats my job (a basketball referee for 3rd-8th grders) and question ohh do you get yelled at and on with the rest?...heres my story:

Coming into this "job" i knew i had to have the thickest face on earth and take all the crap the fans, coaches, and players give me. being that i used to play basketball and how i yelled at the refs, i thought i could handle the crap..oh, lord oh lord,...i used to wonder why some refs were so bad and that even though we yelled at them...they'd still suck...but it has FINALLY come to my conclusion that..(i think most refs would agree with me) THE MORE YOU YELL AT A REFEREE, THE MORE ANNOYED the REFS GET, THE MORE THEY WILL FAVOR THE OTHER TEAM.. (please note that and inform all your friends and family who are coaches and players)

with that being said, ive gained so much respect of other referees who DO NOT get paid as much as they should for how much crap is thrown at them. I just did a game on friday for some little, obnoxious, know it all 5th graders. the game started out well, made conversation with the kids during freethrows..until the little evil devil sides came out of them when their coach became satan himself. I dont think parents/fans should be telling the REFS what to do when they probably havent even played the game ever, compare a 5th grade game to the NBA, or dont know their lil angelic on the outside but evil inside child is an ACTOR! I admit, the game was a very intense and close game, us refs NOT ALWAYS have the best angles so give us a dang break..we cant see everything your fat ass can see.. so the coach is yelling at me and my partner for not calling doubledribbles, helllo...we didnt call them cause he was screaming at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS "TERRRRRRRRRRRIBBBBBBBBLEEEEE" towards excuse me? then his little 3'10 kids think they're all sick coming up to me and telling ME, a TRAINED REF, that they're traveling, fouling, blah blah. this kids in 5th grade?! what in the world, he made it seem like it was a NBA championship game..then one of his teammates later has the nerve at size 3feet to go and try and punch a 4'11 kid on the other team. Shaq vs. Boykins. ridiculous. Refs have to put up with soo much, somtimes i wish i was rich, so i dont have to worry about getting kicked out for being unprofessional and just tell the kids tryna act cool to shut up and sock them straight in the face. i have never ever bitten my tounge and ignored all the rude comments thrown at me before, but that day..was ridics.. there should be a so people can write about their experiences good or bad..forget yelp, im for!

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