Wednesday, October 7, 2009


do you ever update yourself through yahoo...i dont know about you but i think this world is just getting crazier and more ridiculous by the days.... things that are happening in the world today are just like ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

por ejemplo:

1) There was a waiter in hollywood who got fired for "tweeting" about his experience with a hollywood star and how she didn't even bother to tip. Are we SERIOUS? ...he got fired for just "TWEETING" his thoughts? not to mention a legit thought about how greedy some stars are? and...didnt give him a second chance...

lesson learned: just tweet your thoughts to your own tweeter brain.

2) Then theres beyonce explaining kanyes stupidity. as beyonce claims "he was standing up for art" ....soOoooO... what they're tryna say is taylor swifts music isnt art? im confused. but then again...yeezy is just plain idiotic for havin no shame to begin with and to then later "apologize" 5 times...and then still have the nerve to somehow justify it with "i havent had enough time to cope with my moms death and to think about it"...exsqueeze me? wheres the tie in there? makes no sense.

lesson learned: if you think youre on top of the sure look dumb as dirt from down be aware of yourself.

3)Top 5 Places Where Median Incomes Are Highest:
1. Bridgeport, Conn.Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Conn. Family Income: $105,132
2. San Jose, Calif.San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, Calif. Family Income: $103,164
3. Washington, D.C.Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C.-Va.-Md.-W.V.,Median Family Income: $101,590
4. San Francisco, Calif.San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, Calif., Family Income: $94,236
5. Trenton, N.J.Trenton-Ewing, N.J. Family Income: $93,912

lesson learned: everyone who doesn't work in these area are poor, so move to one of these cities to become "wealthy". hahaha just kidding, but interesting to know just cause sj and sf are both in the top 5

4)Michelle Obama's staff- first of all, who cares how big your staff, crew, clique, gang, etc. long as she and her staff get their work done what does it matter? people are so bored being unemployed they have to stoop down and dig for juice out of the dumbest things. theres better things to worry about like finding how to survive this recession..and plus whatever happened to the saying "the more the merrier" ?...apparently it's died out.

lesson learned: get a good education so you wont be the epitome of the definition loser.

5) Then theres the A.S.P.I.R.E $500 dollar baby gift. Exsqueeze me? supposedly if it gets passed, then each baby born in the U.S. will automatically inherit $500 dollars savings to "use" in their future. Remind me, aren't we more worried about the money crisis NOW..then the babies who arent even born yet? good and interesting idea, but that money would be more helpful for colleges in broke ass Cali now..where paying extra 30% of tuition means more furlough days..

lesson learned: $500 dollars isn't a lot, but (women) prepare to your body to carry 20+ kids. you can earn freee money! not to mention if you have that many kids, the govt. basically pays everything. and (men), not to be dirty, but your horny dreams are finally coming idk what way.

6) Interview outfits for men? HOW IN THIS WORLD? ...WHEN IN THIS WORLD?....when in this world did we detailed-ly start caring so much for what exactly a man should wear to an interview? what ever happened to life being as simple as..."as long as you can dress appropriately and dressy/nice, you'll be fine" men have to watch out what they "no pin stripes" or "wearing yellow makes you look too young" exsqueeze me?....remind me am i applying for a fashion/ modeling job or a construction place? then you start questioning yourself before an interview..."will i get hired because i dont have any louie vuitton shoes or tie?" kill yourself, why dont you.

lesson learned: just dress up like youre going to a formal wedding but maybe not as fancy, and if they don't accept your attire...then youre S.O.L. -Sh*t.Outta.Luck.

7)Edgar Allan Poe getting a proper funeral? exsqueeze me again please.. no offense he was a good poet and everything but can we be realistic? this man died over 100 years ago..are they tryna beat out MJ's funeral? its almost as equaled to the kanye jokes about kanye sayin "aye patrick swayze, ima let you rest in peace, but mj had the best funeral of the year."

lesson learned: start beginning to pray for a better send off than mj and poe.

theres more...but you can read for yourself on yahoo..but these are just some of the things running through my head today while reading..and thinking..ARE WE SERIOUS!

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