Wednesday, October 7, 2009

don't let your mouth speak for you..

ok, i know i know...EVERYONE and their mommas are posting this all over the world and on facebook... but i like to share my aznpride as matt would say.. haha and show this to the people who arent facebook fanatics and havent seen it yet. enjoy! makes you feel kinda weird while watching it like damn this chinese woman is our rosa parks. some people be thinkin chinese people are idiots and think we dont care or understand and hella take advantage of us...its till we stand up...then they'll realize we aint nothin to be taken advantaged about! i wish the chinese lady beat her ass till she bled. oops, thats not a christian thing to say... heh.

its hard to understand...but i believe they're arguing over a seat because the snotty weak black woman was hogging up a seat and the hard working feisty chinese woman just wanted to take a seat too. Oh, the irony of this world.

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