Thursday, March 26, 2009

spring break book'd.

oohhh zannngg.. this spring break has been loads of fun.. i got lotta hangingouts done...major spring cleaning...and other random junk that was pics to explain..

heres a mini story of almost a potential FML story about flavie and lyssie. i decided to finally clean and change my filter for my fishies who are indeed THREE YEARS OLD..(thanks to those haters who doubted that they would live past 2 months.) i cleaned them..i forgot to put the special chlorine into their new home..and the next thing i knew...i looked into the tub..and flavie was lookin like he was bouta die!!!! his fins were all messed up and getting ripped..along with the back of his body was starting to float up, i think it went num...and was bout to i decided to take pics before he died...good thing he survived the good fight and battled (not to mention beat) the numbing of his butt. he was so close to turning over.=(...luckily and happily, i quickly scrubbed and grubbed their algae filled tank..and threw em back in and now they are happier than EVAAAAA...with new toys, but i'll show you that lata...

flavie is the one thats vertical..and isnt supposed to be vertical..
but can your fish swim like that?..i taught them how to do tricks. (hes in vertical position for more than just the seconds of takin this pic)
back to normal...through out the night. ridiculous how i didnt even feed them and they shitted like they were goin to die soon.
if flavie didnt survive, you woulda saw this on"i didnt wash my fish tank for two years because everytime i did, one fish never, i thought was a lucky day..and decided to clean 3 year old fish died."
visited the great sharie dubb. in davis...and did goooood and satisfying shopping at v-ville..
(sharie, me, and her 20 dollar dog)
girls night out!...or day..actually..not night..
and finally kickin it with the ever so embarassing but lovely daniela...haha

--on a greater note, we got the brand new house in san jose!...yay to all the stress and bs we went through before spring break..and no stress to find another new apt. come visit!
--...last thing...mabels club parzay on friday at...ask me for deets if you wanna go.. 21+'ll be one of those only club deals i'll be attending...and i think you should go!!!! =)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7

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