Monday, March 2, 2009

asian senzAzn.

haha so i was lookin through the typical bored college student there is...i found a mini almost bopper myspace status survey that was quite interesting...its actually one of those typical "asian" surveys to see how "asian" you are...haha but only this time, they're hilariously true. check for not goin to put all hundred questions on here, only the ones that i checked only 48% asian. search for it on fb yourself and do it. haha

-Both of your parents are from Asia
-You like korean drama
-your parents want you to marry within your own race
-you eat rice almost everyday
-you have xanga, myspace, friendster..etc.
-you speak another lang. other than English
-your parents have really high expectations of you
-you play badminton or table tennis
-you go/or want to go to a university and would never consider apprenticeship
-you own an asian car (toyota,honda, etc.)
-youre not the only child
-youve gotten little red envelopes around february.
-you have a box of noodles somehwere in your house
-everytime you go out your parents ask where and what time you'll be coming home
-you have karoake at home
-you have moth balls in your house
-you own a gaming console
-you play a musical instrument
- you dont wear shoes in your house
-you can use chopsticks well
-your parents wont let you go out if you have school the next day
-you have asian songs on your computer/ipod
-you don't like football
-you have/had curfew
-your parents bought you many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" for the many years to come
-you believe in fortune cookies
-you know what bokchoy is
-you have/had a tutor
-you've had pocky's/yan yan's before
-when you seek your mother for permission she says "go ask you dad"
-you like to save things in case you need them later, even if you never use it.
-you have tasted durian
-everyone thinks youre at least one year younger than you really are.
-you call your adult family friends uncles and aunties
-you have or had a bowl cut
-your parents enjoy comparing you to their friends kids
-your parents or relatives have tried setting you up with someone
-you love shopping at costco because its cheaper in bulk even when you dont need that much
-you buy rice in 50lbs. bags.
-you've had hand me downs
-you get two of the same things but one is better because its free
-you fight for the bill because of face, but really you dont want to pay for the expensive meal
-you make things because its cheaper, even though it'll take more time
-you own a huge butcher knife.
-you make your rice without butter, spices, or salt
-your parents are especially loud on the phone
-you always take home leftovers from restaurants
-you will waste gas to find cheaper gas.
-you are smaller in size compared to caucasian people
-you have relatives in canada
-the number 8 is an extremely lucky number to you
-you've gotten used to herbal medicines
-you try to save your money on everything you buy
-school is always the number one priority in your family
-you care a lot about honor and saving face
-your parents expect you to do everything right
haha and if you actually read alla that!.....thanks.

"For i know the plans i have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and to not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

this isnt asian but shooooooooooooot...dont be pullin that race card tho.

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