Sunday, March 29, 2009


pics are latest to oldest just because...eblog can be retardedly frustrating sumtimes...but pics as they go from sat to friday...ending my last few days of spring break with good ol' daniela.. until then..we'll have to wait till she gets back from georgia (with boomer and jess jess)

--went to a costume party for d's aunts bday..haha hella random..all up in the sf city hills with that nice as skyline view...dancin and meeting some quite interesting but fun "peeps".

my main steez photographer S.T. wasnt doing so swell so daniela had to take it herself of us with the claw.
S.T. doin a bit better of a job..poppin out with that claw again not on howlaweeen!
FATT dog parrtaayy..with aloha womanizer, gelina(the other half of brad), queen amydala(sp?), and some hurt assss Gretta sportin the firefightin hat.
aloha womanizer, lame me without my massive costume, bradgelina, and the house bunny birthday woman!
CREEEEPY ass M.V. walmart boss..aka awkward mr bean.
queen ami, princess lay-uh, aloha womanizer...ditto'd.
dee aloha womanizzzzzza.
--went clubbin at the ever so awkward sutra for mae mae's bdayyyys. (to the people who gave the "best" excuses in the world, you missed out on this once in a lifetime YAF event)
not to mention it was almost a UCskyline party.. or skylines PCN, that is.
the girls that saved my life..
def don't look 21..and everyone was probably fished about that too.
horrible photographer russell.
still off...borderlined of disturbia and sexiness still. haha
no dance floor pics because, girl(or boy...) you already know how we get down!...cant reveal that..just yet.
*-HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE MAH, you fishy foxay lady, you.
*-Spring break has one more day...and im super sad..otha than that ive got 28 more school days and i am DONE! thank jesus.
*-april 4th, easter play at serramonte del rey at 6:00. be there or be squared, i'll be the high priest(aka queen of the world with a touch of attychude.) case you were wondering..
"for i have learned to be content with whatever the circumstances" Philippians 4: 11

Thursday, March 26, 2009

spring break book'd.

oohhh zannngg.. this spring break has been loads of fun.. i got lotta hangingouts done...major spring cleaning...and other random junk that was pics to explain..

heres a mini story of almost a potential FML story about flavie and lyssie. i decided to finally clean and change my filter for my fishies who are indeed THREE YEARS OLD..(thanks to those haters who doubted that they would live past 2 months.) i cleaned them..i forgot to put the special chlorine into their new home..and the next thing i knew...i looked into the tub..and flavie was lookin like he was bouta die!!!! his fins were all messed up and getting ripped..along with the back of his body was starting to float up, i think it went num...and was bout to i decided to take pics before he died...good thing he survived the good fight and battled (not to mention beat) the numbing of his butt. he was so close to turning over.=(...luckily and happily, i quickly scrubbed and grubbed their algae filled tank..and threw em back in and now they are happier than EVAAAAA...with new toys, but i'll show you that lata...

flavie is the one thats vertical..and isnt supposed to be vertical..
but can your fish swim like that?..i taught them how to do tricks. (hes in vertical position for more than just the seconds of takin this pic)
back to normal...through out the night. ridiculous how i didnt even feed them and they shitted like they were goin to die soon.
if flavie didnt survive, you woulda saw this on"i didnt wash my fish tank for two years because everytime i did, one fish never, i thought was a lucky day..and decided to clean 3 year old fish died."
visited the great sharie dubb. in davis...and did goooood and satisfying shopping at v-ville..
(sharie, me, and her 20 dollar dog)
girls night out!...or day..actually..not night..
and finally kickin it with the ever so embarassing but lovely daniela...haha

--on a greater note, we got the brand new house in san jose!...yay to all the stress and bs we went through before spring break..and no stress to find another new apt. come visit!
--...last thing...mabels club parzay on friday at...ask me for deets if you wanna go.. 21+'ll be one of those only club deals i'll be attending...and i think you should go!!!! =)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7

Monday, March 23, 2009

spring break'n fever..

8000 hits!

Spring break fever is definitely here...and hopefully the weather gets a bit more toasty cuz its feelin like Ny winter time and not no SPRING status! ....anyways...started off with a happy 23rd to 80s/90s party this year, but definitely will try and pull some type of 80s 90s bbq again sometime soon!....this weeks getting booked quick...and i cant get anymore excited for this week...davis tm to have a girls day out with sharie.

the amazing tasting bday cakes.
her surprise bday a year ago..i won the 80/90s contest..or in some peoples words...the hurt contest...(how bothersome that some people pretended to "not" get the memo.)-- Easter play on april 4th @ 6; serramonte del rey. be there or be squared. ..and boy, is half my patience level going into this play.

A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. Proverbs 15: 18

Saturday, March 21, 2009


the week was mos def of my all time most stressed EVA..weeks... with FOUR midterms..three in one day..housing problems..and ridiculous cahperd..and every lil side drama with the christian life. o sweet jesus, bless me...but definitely through it all, i can look forward to a eventful week..hopefully..for spring break! yEAhhoOOoo!.

today me and len went to the cahperd convention to volunteer..too bad they were so unorganized and lame...aka PE conference..aka supposed to look good on resumes..aka DONT EVER DEAL WITH THEIR BULLSHIT. me and len wasted gas and 30 bucks on the stupid thing that didnt even give us a frikin thing to volunteer for.. but we did get mini hookups with monarchs.. AND i did manage to get a spooner..which was probably one of the stupidest things i couldve bought with my budget..but eh...check out how exciting it is! i'll take a pic with it when i actually put it to use! can slide down ANY HILL!

mmhmm..jealous?... hahaha

anywys...i decided to take the "what does your birthday say about you" on FB cuz everyone seemed to be doing it..and i like to hop on some bandwagons...and this is what it came out with...kinda interestingly..almost on point.

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

-idk bout the bolded word..thats a strong word...only used before the word "iverson".

anyways...spring break this week means catchup with everyone week...aka...socializing time.

But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”- Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


finding a place to ease your streessss at peace is great...probably most of you already saw on yahoo the 20 best views in the world....and what do you know...i live in one of the cities where they have the best views!!..yeaHHHHHHHOOoooooo. Golden Gate Bridge from the marin!...indeed it is quite beautiful...and what surprised me was that burma made it on the top twenty!..of course as the last one but still!!!! thats crazy! check it out for yourself..;_ylc=X3oDMTFyOGFqZ2VzBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDMjcxOTQ4MQRzZWMDZnAtdG9kYXltb2QEc2xrAzIwYmVzdHZpZXdzLTAzLTE2

"Dotted across a plain beside the Irrawaddy River in central Myanmar, the ruins of Bagan cover 16 square miles. Dozens of immense stupas and temples rise from the red, dusty soil, all that remains of a major city sacked by the Mongol Kublai Khan. The scene at sunrise is unforgettably romantic." Bagan, Myanmar.

Idk about being "unforgettably romantic" tho! hahaha

a hint of it...of course, ive never seen it tho..but i do hope to one day!..
and the GGbridge..i did not know there was that many mountains around there...

God is good and he definitely saved me through 3 of the four midterms this more to go!

Friday, March 13, 2009

chris tomlin.

im super late..but chris tomlins concert was mos def crackin!..definitely worth that 33 dollas! was held at SJSU. with buncha other random ppl we saw..not much to say but that it was the greatest.. didnt start out too swell but definitely was all better at the end!...not to mention chris tomlin personally said himself in his blog that SAN JOSE made it to his TOP FIVE places..i dont understand why though because we didn't scream and werent as loud when we were supposed to..and our weather was uglier than ever. heres some of the pics.

groupie pic excluding uncle dicky.
midnight snack after at flames!
the other half of the table.
the only pic i took during the concert.
mini groupie pic.
ditto'd 2
and last but not least, jess jess aka leaving us again to go to atlanta?...florida?..
=(...we'll miss you jess jess...
excerpt from Chris tomlin's song.
"I will rise when he calls my name, no more sorrow, no more pain i will rise on eagles wings before my God fall on my knees, and rise."

8Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me. Micah 7: 8

Thursday, March 12, 2009

WNBA preview.

I know most of you who read my blog dont care bout the WNBA, but for my purposes and for YOUR extra street knowledge...or for those of you who DO care... heres a mini shocking update.

TINA THOMPSON..who has ridiculously enlarged lips on top of putting that extra pound of dark red lipstick...signed with the LA SPARKS!..ridiculous..because they have LISA LESLIE, CANDACE PARKER, DELISHA MILTON JONES...and now tina thompson?!..FOUR olympic stars?..i mean you might as well call diana taurasi and sue bird to join too.
CANDACE PARKER....had the best 2008....first year in wnba..and decides to go preggy got lotta stuff goin through her mind and body...but she sure does look pretty in the espn magazine..if only her attitude was just as pretty.=\ and idk bout those arms tho...i bet you its bigger than most of the guys that read my blog..

Lisa leslie's last year in the wnba...i admit...haha shes quite an ancient old one...who wants to go to the last game in la? i'll be stoked if you join me. =) heres her family ..which ive NEVER seen until i just looked it up, and....i dont think its their family at best either. haha maybe its just how i shrunk it to fit this ridiculous narrow blog.

ok, i cant go on for any longer bloggin about them because im gettin WAY to excited over it..and just flashbacking back to summer 2008 and meeting them...EEEEEEEE! hopefully i'll get to blog about DANIELA NOPUENTE as one of THEE favs of all wnba players. =)

on another note: ...keep in your prayers...for me and couple other roomies to get a house we will be checkin out tm for next four midterms next week...and for everyones other problems they seem to have a problem dealing with. =)

Chris tomlin concert pics will be up...soon.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4: 13

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

mannerisms, politicisms, coolisms points!

new layout because i got tired of the typical black background everyone and their mothers with blogs have.

if you havent already saw on Yahoo a while back about mannerisms and how you could get extra cool points for being polite..heres some typical things im sure you do often and dont even notice it.. so this is America...remember that you aint in some other learn how to be polite and i'll work on it on my part too! hahah the words in ( parantheses ?sp) will be my commenting on the side.

Party Poopers When you receive an invitation to a dinner or party--whether by Evite, voicemail, or casual email--RESPOND. Yeah, that’s what that little “RSVP” thing means. Everyone knows it, yet it’s amazing how many don’t respond. Even for weddings! Planning a party or event requires a lot of work, so do the host a simple favor and let them know if you're coming or not. ( yea seriously, n when you dont respond and still show up dont be surprised or butt hurt that u didnt get a seat. you aint no obama or iverson)

Nickel & Dimin’ How annoying is it when you go to dinner with four or more people, the check finally arrives, and one of your meal companions begins to divvy up the check down to the last penny? Sure, we get that Sally had a shrimp salad, and Janet had two iced teas, while Beth only had water, and you ordered a slice of peach pie (a la mode, which is extra). The point is, if you go out to dinner with a group, be prepared to split the bill more or less evenly. If there's an outstanding cost differential, fine, estimate it and be done with it. The person who spends twenty minutes dividing the bill to the dime comes off as a cheapskate –- and kills the festive mood. (haha i totally do this, but shoot we aint rich and some people be ordering off the hook so maybe we can kinda exclude this manner...OR dont you just get annoyed of those lame people who you decide to treat out to be nice and expect them to treat you back after...but no, they're super cheap and act like you never did them the favor! RUDE!)

The Line-Up Lines are a fact of life. At the post office, the supermarket, just about everywhere these days. For starters, moaners who huff and gripe about standing in a line of three people for all of five minutes are tops on our list. Get over yourself -- if you don’t have a few minutes to wait to buy that loaf of bread, then pick it up another time. Another thing: Don’t show your impatience by creeping up so close to the person in front of you that they can feel your breath. Crowding those around you will not get you to the front any faster, so give them some space. Finally, cutting in line or trying to ignore the fact that there IS a line –- stop it! Everyone’s time is valuable. (haha i definitely do this to annoy the person in front of me to try and get them to get closer to the person in front of them to make them "hurry" when in reality its not even their problem thats keeping the line long..its the turtle cashier. will work on that!)

The ME Show It’s great to hear all the crazy, wacky, wonderful things happening in the lives of others. Jobs, engagements, breakups, boyfriends, puppies, pregnancies, vacations — very good stuff, all of it. But once you’ve listened to a friend, family member, or colleague spout about their own fabulous life for an hour (or two), it’s normal to expect them to ask, “So, what’s going on with you?” Those who blab on about themselves while you listen intently, then don’t ask a thing about you in return are just plain rude. (When that happens and you want them to shut up but they just keep blabbling, just hang up and tell them you lost'll save your ear and hopefully they'll get the point)

Baby Biz Changing a poopy baby diaper around others is nasty -- and we're moms. Changing the other kind of baby diaper in public is one thing, but still should only be done when absolutely necessary! (yea moms, please don't breast feed in public either..its way too awkward when we meet at the eyes cause we don't know how to react)

Mobile Madness As much as we love the modern age, there are days when we long to go to a coffee shop, movie theatre, bookstore, or post office and not hear some teen queen dishing to her friend about last night's hot date with Todd or eavesdrop (unwillingly) on a screaming family feud. Mobile phones are essential, but please, people, pleeeeeeease, use a little restraint on the when's, what's, and where's. We're happy that Todd is "totally built" but we're going to have to start walking around town and slapping people with "TMI" tickets (yes, too much information). (As long as you know to not talk on the elevator or in quiet places because nobody wants to hear your bonqui qui business, your voice is not cute and neither is your drama... constant texting at restaurants are not allowed also.)

Smokes Everyone has a right to smoke in public, but be conscious of whose face your smoke is blowing into. Are there kids nearby? And we just might kick the butt of the next person we see throwing their burning butt on the ground without putting it out. Really, find an ashtray or trashcan where you can extinguish and dispose of it properly -- that thing is garbage, not decoration for our streets and sidewalks. (to you damn smokers, youre so ugly, your skin is wrinkly and you smell as bad as my dorm REAK! quit tryna act slick blowing the stupid smoke in our faces...youre far from cuteness....but if youre my friend and you smoke, well thats another story..)

The Pee & Flee Public bathrooms get used by everyone -- yup, they're public! So, making a mess of the toilet seat, and then prancing out without bothering to wipe it up -- not cool. Leaving a mess for the next visitor is completely unacceptable (and disgustingly unsanitary, of course). Take 10 seconds to rip off a piece of toilet paper, toilet seat cover, or a paper towel, and do your due diligence! (i admit, sometime i forget or get lazy to wipe off the specs of urine i leave on the seat...but i dont think its HALF AS BAD people not having the decency to flush their dang menstruation or dumplings down the toilet!!! honestly, nobody wants to see the surprises you leave us, we get enough surprises already.)

Stealing...a parking spot, that is. Yeah, you know who you are. If someone has their blinker on and is patiently waiting for a spot, it's theirs. And if you've already passed a spot up, it's gone. Treat others as you expect to be treated, and the parking goddesses will smile down upon you... eventually. (if it happens to you and someone swoops and youre mad, the simple solution is to just wait..find a FAR parking spot from that car..and walk over to the "swooper" and just scratch their sure they deserve it anyway)

Belly Baring Men, women -- anyone who's passed puberty, everyone who isn't lounging poolside or oceanside -- resist the urge to bare those bellies. They may be beautiful, Buddha-like, jolly, but sometimes they can be flabby, hairy, and not ripe for public consumption. If you're jogging, fellas, t-shirts or tanks won't hurt your workout, so throw one on. Gals, midriff fashions are never really on our "Do" list, and that goes double if your age doesn't contain the word "teen." There are plenty of ways for all of us to flaunt what we got without sharing our tum-tums with the world. (its one thing to have that much confidence with your fat ass body, but to have others see your fat ass?...thats another story..seriously nobody doesnt want to see a tsunami about to attack them when youre walking around..and know your age too, when you reach 40+ you may want to check for wrinkles..we dont want a grandma in a two piece bathing suit being hit on by horny guys)

Spitting This gets especially yucky when it's one of those enormous globs that looks like it could be alive. Some people (males, in particular) think it's kind of a cool-guy thing to do. We're here to tell ya that no one wants to see you hock a big gooey one out of your car, onto the sidewalk, or anywhere else for that matter. Try a tissue. (M.P.C. you do this a lot, hahahaha i dont think i mind that much of spitting but when you spit it where everyone walks and could potentially step on it..thats disturbianling rude)

Honking Problem People who honk too often, too unnecessarily, or just to express their emotions are on our list of Most Etiquette Challenged. If you're trying to warn someone about a collision or problem, fine, otherwise it's not that serious. Give it a rest! (true, give it a rest...but when you needa honk and people are just stupid you betta put that honk to use! but rule #1 only honk if their car is not tinted with the presidential already know how dangerous SOME of those cars can be.)

a word from THE ROCK.aka now the ever so hot, dwayne johnson says "KNOW YOUR ROLE!"

The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. ECCLESIASTES 7:8

Thursday, March 5, 2009

nee ho mah?

"Kicking off the The Association's third annual Noche Latina event — a program that recognizes the NBA's fans and players from across Latin America and U.S. Hispanic communities"

Psh, makes sense while i was watchin the game today and was wondering why there was the "los" on the barely made any glad gs warriors didnt decide to woulda been ugly.."los warriors". eh. or "el warriors". how bout "la warriors." unfair. they give so much respect to asians? sun-wahs, or bull-la...heat la' get the point..i meant we got yao, wang zhi zhi, yue, and some other chinese boy...thats enough to hook it up and show some pride!.
nother note: im on a SUPER BLOGGING ROLE...and im goin to the hello love tour: CHRIS TOMLIN ..boy jigga wha wha..hopefully it'll be all good...and not overrated cuz ive been listening to his songs alll week so i can try n memorize them and jam on with him on stage alll nighhhh llonnnng!
"consider it pure joy, my bros, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2-3
and BOY has this week been full of trials!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

happy birthday dan.yell.

its our fellow SKG-ers bday!....happy happy birthday danielle!..aka d-izzle..hopefully youre gaining more knowledge and common sense as you get olda!..happy shweeeet sixtaan girl!
pics from celebration on sunday...(happy bday to soe too)

the birthday week peeepps..and just how often do we see soe smiling like that?!

ova the hill glasses. danielle and aunty jae.

surprise junyas. peep danielles nose..she turnd into a cow!

to the people who i dont see and cant update everyday but keep up with me through here..aka m.p.c...i just wanna throw a shoutout to toyota although i doubt he reads this..but..goodluck movin on outta the 9th mile and to south carolina..we'll miss ya..dont let em north caroliners take your shirt off and raise em like a helaaacopta..

goodbye refs =(.. especially moomoo soe.=( x4

God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Hebrews 11: 40

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

dreammy eyes.

dreamy guys are eh lets just say not the "tall" ones. haha or in these nba cases, giants...are cute

manute bol, im probably up to his knees
shawn bradley..mmm idk bout that lankness
i mean...yao's hieight speaks for himself..hes the updated new frankenstein..(the talented one) his legs put together is the length horizontally of my body..or maybe his shoe is how tall i am.

anyway enough bout talla ballas shot callas.. im in class aka porn 101..aka not appropriate for my mini mind... but i'll throw in a fun fact anyway that he just gave us..(note: i am not implying anything or promoting anything its for some extra boost of street knowledge)
General health: an orgasm at least once or twice a week appears to strengthen the immune system's ability to resist flu and other viruses.

here's a short film on boys.. in spoken word style.

...keeping a clear conscience. 1 Peter 3:10

road trip 2009.

so ive been on some blog roll.. and i just wanted to let everyone know me emmy and anika are plannin on goin on our vacation like how we did last year..i could only find couple pics outta the trips we did last year..but this year we're tryna hit up hawaii, europe, detroit..just for the few to mention right now...heres a pic from last year when we went to vietnam, i tried mailing it out to everyone but i could only do so much because i dont have some of your addresses! but heres a pic from last so excited! ...let me know if you wanna join..i'll find a flight for ya to join us.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15 :13

Monday, March 2, 2009

asian senzAzn.

haha so i was lookin through the typical bored college student there is...i found a mini almost bopper myspace status survey that was quite interesting...its actually one of those typical "asian" surveys to see how "asian" you are...haha but only this time, they're hilariously true. check for not goin to put all hundred questions on here, only the ones that i checked only 48% asian. search for it on fb yourself and do it. haha

-Both of your parents are from Asia
-You like korean drama
-your parents want you to marry within your own race
-you eat rice almost everyday
-you have xanga, myspace, friendster..etc.
-you speak another lang. other than English
-your parents have really high expectations of you
-you play badminton or table tennis
-you go/or want to go to a university and would never consider apprenticeship
-you own an asian car (toyota,honda, etc.)
-youre not the only child
-youve gotten little red envelopes around february.
-you have a box of noodles somehwere in your house
-everytime you go out your parents ask where and what time you'll be coming home
-you have karoake at home
-you have moth balls in your house
-you own a gaming console
-you play a musical instrument
- you dont wear shoes in your house
-you can use chopsticks well
-your parents wont let you go out if you have school the next day
-you have asian songs on your computer/ipod
-you don't like football
-you have/had curfew
-your parents bought you many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" for the many years to come
-you believe in fortune cookies
-you know what bokchoy is
-you have/had a tutor
-you've had pocky's/yan yan's before
-when you seek your mother for permission she says "go ask you dad"
-you like to save things in case you need them later, even if you never use it.
-you have tasted durian
-everyone thinks youre at least one year younger than you really are.
-you call your adult family friends uncles and aunties
-you have or had a bowl cut
-your parents enjoy comparing you to their friends kids
-your parents or relatives have tried setting you up with someone
-you love shopping at costco because its cheaper in bulk even when you dont need that much
-you buy rice in 50lbs. bags.
-you've had hand me downs
-you get two of the same things but one is better because its free
-you fight for the bill because of face, but really you dont want to pay for the expensive meal
-you make things because its cheaper, even though it'll take more time
-you own a huge butcher knife.
-you make your rice without butter, spices, or salt
-your parents are especially loud on the phone
-you always take home leftovers from restaurants
-you will waste gas to find cheaper gas.
-you are smaller in size compared to caucasian people
-you have relatives in canada
-the number 8 is an extremely lucky number to you
-you've gotten used to herbal medicines
-you try to save your money on everything you buy
-school is always the number one priority in your family
-you care a lot about honor and saving face
-your parents expect you to do everything right
haha and if you actually read alla that!.....thanks.

"For i know the plans i have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and to not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

this isnt asian but shooooooooooooot...dont be pullin that race card tho.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

foggy lenses

so me and krystal are sooo bored we're havin an entertaining time in my room talkin bout them boys in the nba and whos cuter..and what not.. n then we ran outta nba men and jumped into the musical talented men.. ive been having debates. hahaha ZANG. they is both cute. but whos cuter?...they sho do make your lenses foggaY!


dont jump up offa your seat cuz i kno he is really that cute!...haha (i jumped up and had a spasm attack cuz of his looks when i seen this pic)

or T.I.

its more like style vs. smile huh?..o gosh, this entry is bopper status. but i really dont care because i have nothin better to do. hahaha

--weekend updates later.
Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. Isaiah 2:3
i will speak for pharell and T.I. so their mouths will not speak of such arrogance. haha