Tuesday, December 9, 2008

finals week.

hmm...i wont update on how the musiCAL went just yet because im in class my battery level is at 25% and the internet is slower than a snail, therefore i cant upload pics. isnt that just a disgrace considering the fact that san jose is the heart of technology and we cant even get fast internet on campus!...RIDICULOUS. newaaayss i'll try n hop over to someones place to update you later..

this week and next week will be hell...after that hopefully it'll become heaven..until...grades come out..hell will be again.. finals are so murdering..and so is procastination..i began my 7 page paper last night due today..and still havent finished it.. o LORD. please be with me. as i've been reading the book of proverbs, i've learned lots of words of wisdom..and i think i've used this bible verse in the past but this verse has definitely helped me not STRESS as much during finals and grading week..and wen u are feelin stressed for all those finals week blog readers...just think matthew 6:34!..

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34

--don't forget to study..God won't do all the work for ya!

...and a traumatizing/ stroke causing story to add with that picture..that yes, has to do with a freaky cat that lightweight attacked me..and my stick.

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