Monday, December 22, 2008

december birthday shouties!

december is fulla bdays!..especially them dragons girlsssss.....since i've been laggin on uploading these and have been letting down my dedicated readers, (i apologize)...i will dedicate this blog to all december birthdays. i got a bit lazy on couple birthday dinners and dates and dint bring my camera...therefore i only have pics from kats bday...neway..heres the shouts..HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!
-mollie,kat,justina,tiff argente, christina aung, ivo....and to whoever else i sorry my brain isnt workin all sooo swell..but happy birthday neways...

heres pics from kats crazy dinner/party from last a week late..and have been relaxing a bit too much now that finals are done with.

heres the team that showed up for kat.
heres eric tryna be all slick aka mr. "hold on kat lemme do these trick candles for ya" stealing kat's spotlight..jk it was his bday too
the mini portion of her crazy alcoholic night.
our waitress who was quite the crazy woman herself takin shots with us and dancin to the club mixes.
our team with tiff.
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2: 10
Happy berrrrday again guys!

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