Monday, June 13, 2011


so i had some feeling of guilt from the last post that maybe i shouldnt have been so harsh about it but after serving more rude customers last gut told my guilt....PLEASE, you deserve to vent.

anyways, ive been super busy planning, working, schooling, interning, and getting settled at my new place with new roommates. I moved in with 4 boys last minute because I ended up with zero roommates by the time i needed to move out so i picked up a place at the boys knowing that they were men and that they live like men...aka meaning i was going to be camping everyday i stayed in SJ. Everyone I told was like "ohh thats so gross"..."Theyre so filthy" ...etc etc. I sucked it up and prepped myself mentally to not be a diva and live humbly, humbly duuurty. Not expecting anything, for the past two weeks...i've noticed the little-est things make the BIGGEST difference, for me at least.

I love living here and living with these boys..aside from the fact that theyre filthy, i can see that they try to keep it clean because i'm around but from time to time, their men tendencies come out and drive me cuckoo..but i'll survive. I've had surprises that literally have me have the butterflies and gigggles with a FAT smile on cause they do things that make life that much easier..almost like a mother/father doing little things for you without you asking them and it makes you happier inside. For example......

....after i moved my things into their house, i was telling my friend who helped me move in (not expecting of anything) that hopefully i wouldnt be too tired to build my bed when i finished moving everything..and when i got back after picking up my things at the other house i guess the boys overheard and built my bed for me when i got back =)
.....setting my room up with christmas lights to make it more cozier.=)
......we went out to go eat and i got togo food and while i was driving i let my roommate hold it for me and forgot about day i woke up hella hungry and went to go look for it in the fridge wasnt there and i was soo upset until i opened my fridge in my room to grab water and saw my togo food sitting in the fridge not touched! =) the men-filth-college life bathroom for me before i use it and keeping it clean. =)
.... i bought a box of cheez-its to keep me sane during my 5 hour class, ate some and forgot them in the living room, next day, found them on the fridge closed and sealed with those black paper clips so it wont get soggy cause they remembered when i said i hated stale hot cheetos the day before. =)
.....getting off work earlier than me from in&out and making me a special in&out salsa burger and dropping it off at my work for my lunch! =)

.....ahhh, love.

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