Saturday, June 11, 2011


Ive been way overdue and have just been taking a summer vacay via blog status...or in other words LAZY. but i guess i could use this to vent and somewhat entertain you...if you dont get offended haha.

Well well...working at the boiling crab...ive come to the conclusion of which race is THE WORSE customers EVER. I'd like to know actually if its only at the boiling crab that experiences terrible customer aprreciation/etiquette or in general majority of restaurants. No offense... but I have got to say after working for about 4 months there, i have come to the complete conclusion that FILIPINOS are THE worse customers EVER. They have no manners, constantly nag sounding worse than a mother going through the peak of her menopause and act like its ok when theyre waiting for their table..and when they come and ask they are full of sh*t...oops i mean attitude. let me just give an example if you still dont understand:

filipina: hi table for 7 under christian
me: ok, your wait will be about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
*40 minutes later
filipina: excuse me, how long is the wait now for table for 7 under christian? we've been waiting reeeally long. (WITH HELLA ATTITUDE)
me: *flips through my pad and checks time* uhm actually you havent been waiting really long because we gave you an hour and 45 minute wait and its only 40 minutes. (throwing attitude back with my head bobbling with fachichude)
filipina: actually im not tryna give you attitude im just tryna figure out how long is the wait (still said with attitude, this time with a face like she just smelled dogsht)
me: well it just passed 40 minutes so its an hour
filipina: *hella mad, rolls her eyes and walks away

like really? i dont care if you throw attitude at me, i can throw it right back. well thats only one example...theyre so NEEDY, impatient, and DO NOT KNOW HOW TO TIP. its unbelievable how cheap they are...maybe they should sell their mercedes/lexus/and beamers and stop acting like they have money so if they want to treat themselves out to some royal food once in a while they can tip well too. Maybe im just so upset because i've had about 5 groups of filipino customers this week that totally just blew it off EVERY SINGLE TIME. its too bad they ruin it for everyone else cause i definitely dont give them 100% of my service anymore. they deserve 1% just like how they tip me $1 for an $80 bill. GET REAL..we're college students and live off your stupid tips.

word of advice: DONT GO OUT AND EAT IF YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH FOR TIP...and if youre really that broke write your cheap ass a letter to manny pacquiao to send you some money. im sure he will "pac a panch por you" too

and if you are one of those generous tippers, WE LOVE YOU DEARLY AND DONT FORGET YOUR FACES THE NEXT TIME YOU COME AROUND.

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