Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just one hard SPANK.

Since I just returned from a LONG three day trip from tahoe with my uncle, aunt, two cousins, and my sister..while it's still fresh in my mind..I might as well vent it out while I can still get all the details out to help you to visually picture my story.

Anyway, I dont know if i'm the only one besides my sister and I that talk about this, but I'm thinking and wondering, do parents these days discipline their kids enough? In my honest and experienced opinion, I dont even think it exists anymore. Discipline is taken out of parents vocabs. I know every kid has or has HAD a little bit of bratty-ness in them. I admit, I sure did. But to a certain extent? I have a lot of experience with kids via church/sunday school plus my little cousins and G-DAMN they are one hell of an annoying set of stubborn spoiled brats who just need some simple slappings and spankings to put them back into shape. These kids have no manners, always have to have their way or throw wild tantrums, throw on the sour/ i just smelled dog doo-doo for face for hours of a lifetime for NO GOOD REASON. S-P-O-I-L-E-D BRATS, i tell ya. I understand America is all about the "no spanking kids" idea because its "abuse", but get out of here I survived the spanking era with rubber flipflops, belts, sticks, chairs, brooms, man hands, you name it..came out with bruises and STILL survived. It just took a little bit of some spanking back into reality to get me where I am and knock some sense into me.

I don't understand why parents think these "i'll give my kid whatever I want because theyre cute, I love them, and I dont want them to cry" ideas even though they are straight up actin' rude and plain ridiculous when they can easily stop the non sense by raising their voices a bit and when needed SLAP THEM RIGHT BACK INTO PLACE.

And I say all this because my little five year old cousin this weekend tore the living day light patience out of me (if that made any sense) and drove me off the wall with her brattyness. For the 6+ hour drive up, through, and down tahoe while she was awake..she asked a question every other minute. NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE, but FIVE OR MORE TIMES. (For once, i am NOT over-exaggerating) Then slips into bipolar depression tantrum and cried for THIRTY minutes straight screaming and crying on her carseat..all because she was hungry even though her mom had JUST bought her chicken mcnuggets. And through all the crying and torture of our precious ears?...She gets a special stop the car, pull over, check if she wants to pee, check if she peed while crying, and then gets some TLC..aka "stop crying, mamas baby..i love you...*hugs and kisses*" ohh GIVE ME A BREAK! if it weren't for my precious headphones and music on blast to save me i would've been on the news for world's stupidest suicide or murderer. If that was me back then my dad woulda pulled the car over, took me out the car, slapped the living day lights outta my ass which woulda stopped me from crying, hopped back in the car and leave me to mope silently in my carseat and not dare do what i just did again.

NOTE TO SELF: Treat all stubborn spoiled brats ages 5-10 like your enemies. Be Selfish and Torture them with your free access to candy that they can't have. haha

Oh, did I mention? The trip was still fun and beautiful despite rotten brats.

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