Monday, May 24, 2010


go car adventures in the city..for the ones who dont have me as their friend on facebook, i'll repost the pics and of course, add this to my "online diary"anyway..discounts are my best friends..also another way to get your mind offf the worse stressors aka finals. -__-. anyway, most fun ive had since cinco de mayo night..which thank God wasnt too long ago.

notice how the escalade is quite tailgating us..and we both have our hands up..meaning we're being rude and holding up traffic cause in order to move theres no gas pedal, its a motorcycle! theee end.
time of our lives.....ish.
helmet fail.
our GPS.
lovely day in the city.
our only break time..while enjoying the view and bathroom breaks.
photospot courtesy of cocoacola.
even locals can never get enough of san francisco, tours around the bay..hhhooolllaaa.

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