Tuesday, March 23, 2010

love is in the air...

finally, a new banner..the other one was getting ZzzZZ and tiring to look at.
love love love,....ive been theme-ing my life a lot based off of love lately not because i have fallen in love with the man of my dreams...muahaha but just simply because without love there is nothing. And as reading the bible more often to find lessons to teach my sunday school kids every week, i have found so many passages about love that connect to my life in the bible. Without love, nothing is possible because God IS LOVE. yea cornball quote, but its true. I try to base life on just pure love. Again, my all time fav. verse: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out all fear,..." 1John 4:18. basically saying that if you have that perfect love relationship with God, you HAVE nothing to fear because he is your everything. This year, the main things i have learned about myself and life is that you CAN NOT love others if you don't even love yourself. Throw out the negatives and be all for positives. For the non-believers, that verse applies to you too...perfect love with anything..a.k.a your boyfriend, girlfriend, father, mother, sister, brother, stuffed animal, basketball, shoes..you know the whole shabang..ANYTHING you love..if you have that perfect love and youre with the one you love, they help drive out all the fears you have in life...am i right ..or am i right?! haha think about it, EVERYTHING connects to LOVE.
"love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."- Romans 12:9


Khawnbu said...

for ur blog background music :)


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