Friday, March 12, 2010


"I think I’m afraid to be happy because whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens."
Charlie Brown

its crazy how time has flown and so many things have changed within the past year. Just last year i could remember everything slowly hitting rockbottom but coming into 2010, everything seemed only for the better. Being so blessed has never given me any more assurance knowing that God is REAL and that he has plans for me. Last year was just a whole nother struggle within itself. Grades to friends to everything you could possibly imagine or think of was not headed in the right direction. Although it broke me apart and tore me into so many pieces internally, i knew that if i kept my faith and read his word daily, i had nothing to fear. Although it literally took me a whole year to pick myself up from misery, words could not ever define the many, many, MANY blessings God has given me recently. I feel so content with life right now and i must admit, i havent had this much fun and happiness in a LONG time. One of the main keys to happiness is to surrounding yourself with a positive atmosphere, you'll see the big change. I learned that in life, not everything will always go your way but it's only a test to see how strong you are mentally. So many people are fighting their own battle, small or big, everyday. We should never judge anyone because of their problems or failures because you never know where they've been before you've seen them that way. Just wanted to throw this out there for anyone who is down and out in life and needs a helping hand. In the end it's all bout faith, hope, and love. Never, ever lose hope.

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