Monday, July 27, 2009

breathless life.

For the battle is not yours, but God’s.
2 Chronicles 20:15

we all have our own battles, half the battle we fight we're fighting and the other half, God's fighting it for us.

i think thats how i see it as now. With everything going crazy with the recession, the people riding the recession and even just things in general whether it be the recession or not, things have just been stressful. I don't usually blog like this, but today as my friend sent me an acquaintance from H.S. blog, I was “revived”/inspired and overwhelmed to see someone joyfully explain her love for God..something I did not expect from her. God works in mysterious ways. I've been havin a fall out with God and lately ive just become a negative bickering nitpicky and impatient person. I spoke as if the world revolved around me and as if i didn't care about life. I just feel as if, i should share a bit of my battle hoping to inspire to keep your walk with God strong and to never give up on him.

Lately in the past recent months, i've been saying some vulgar things, going back to my old ways in my first three years of high school. But things have changed since then, because as i said them i felt cool at the moment, but as soon as i finished the stupid phrase, i'd feel my body tighten up feeling heated and pissed as if the world was out to get me. i'd start to become emotional trying to hide it in. All the things around me began to just fall apart. I felt as if a crazy load had just dropped on my back and i was just suddenly carrying 100 pounds..but i never knew what was wrong, all i knew was that everything i did, i never had "fun"..or it wasnt the fun i used to have that was carefree and I just tried to replace my stress with materialistic or worldly entertainment..I was pulling myself away from God yet still trying to hang on to that last piece of string from the rope. I became angry at the people who I wasn’t supposed to be angry at and blamed it on things that weren’t even supposed to be. It was crazy because God speaks to you. Its crazy, I decided to go back to this other church I used to attend…or well since ive been so caught up in other stuff, I checked out their website because I know they have videos of the sermons, and crazy enough..their message series was on “moments of decision” which the pastor was talking about when times get rough especially with the church community.

“Where we stress and not pay attention to our souls..we just sorta go through life, or what it even means to have perspective. Within all that we just have to lay at his feet with all our problems and concerns. We live with constant stress always around stressed out people and it can be compelling but in the long run it can really take its toll on us. But we just have to pay attention to our soul and our walk with God. There will be times when we need to get away and rest but there is a difference between pulling back and pulling back for the purpose of re-engagement. We must know how to put occupation aside which does not mean we must be idle in a an action which is meditated the wrinkles in our soul are smooth away.”-T. Brisbane.

In stressed times, we get into the self destructive behavior and it becomes addictive. Times will get tough and it’s the darn devil tryna get all up in our business to cut that rope off with us and God and in the end it’s just really seeing our strong our faith is. It’s about getting by each wall one by one that’s standing in our way. And although I am on my way of recovering still working things out, I can already feel 10 pounds lifted off my back of the 100 pounds still sitting on my back.

Resist him, standing firm in faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 1 Peter 5:9

As goes for that similar quote that goes along the lines of: Be nice to everyone you meet, because you never know what battle their fighting.
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, our of the mur and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hym of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40: 1-3
*on one condition,....dont talk to me about this entry.. its just one of those get off my chest things../dont want to talk about it.

1 comment:

S said...

shannon yen 'likes' this.