Thursday, July 9, 2009

a tribute..

i've been trying to keep my blog as PG-13 as i can..nothin dirty & and basicallly nothin comin outta the projeKts..(language preferrably)..but this entry may break that rule because i personally didnt write it. but i will try and censor them out for ya..

a tribute to my broke a$$...a couple of my friends, and maybe you.

i know u all have one of those friends.. u know the one that always comes over to borrow ur clothes.. the one that always asks one of ur girls to pick her up before going out. the one that never orders anything at the restaurant and just finishes whatever u can’t. the one that always seems to buy a round of southern comfort when you’re at the bar but you just bought a round of VSOP.
u know.. your broke ass *itch of a friend?
why is it that they always seem to have money for new shirts, or the new iphone but are always broke for everything else? can we say, KILL JOY! and yet they get butthurt when they get invited somewhere they know they need to be spending money and try and convince u guys to just ‘chill’ and ‘hang out’. and then u feel bad cuz they wah-ing and offer to spot them for the sake of the outing knowing damn well u aint never gonna see that money again.
how *uckin* annoying.
do her a favor and link this to her IM, email, fb, whatever…. cuz i aint the richest bitch, but thats only cuz i know some tips so i aint the annoying broke a$$ *itch. lol.
1. buy black clothes. this is a trick i learned when i was a starving student with no job and the need to feel loved. lol. no one can tell when you’ve recycled black clothing. as long as u take good care of it in the wash, black always looks classy, new, and in-style.
2. baon lunch. you’ll be surprised on how much money you save bringing your own lunch to work. instead of hitting the food court where lunch can run you about $10/day.. save that and eat leftovers and that $50 will do the deed when you need to be DRUNK on the weekend. which leads me to number 3.
3. pre-funk. $12 shots at the bar is just RIDICULOUS. i’m a girl. i shouldnt have to pay for s**t... but when its girls night out, i’m forced to come out the pocket. hence, pre-funking comes in handy. no, its not just for 20 year old’s who arent old enough to buy their own alcohol once inside the club, its for those who want to maintain a good buzz thru the night on $20. and if u do end up buying a drink inside, dont buy no bitch shit like a sex on the beach… buy something that will actually do the deed - an Adios perhaps…
4. learn to say no. you dont have to go everywhere with everyone and do everything. i know it sucks to miss out but it sucks even more to be negative in the bank acct. if ur low on funds, pick and choose ur most important outings so ur not stuck sober and hungry the next time u go out.
=) thats all folks. “if u aint got no money take ur broke a$$ home” - fergie

thanks. raaachem

so i aint gon lie, the lines highlighted in pink are so me..haha but i mean it aint even like that..its the guilty bittersweet favor youre doin your parents by "trying" to save money..(its not like i ask to have your leftovers,you offer.)and i mean its not like its mandatory to eat while hanging out..i like free stuff and im sure most of you know that..not to mention most of you are in the same boat as mine..once i rack up g's i'll forsure order a beni-hanas meal for me & you for the damage i've down in the past.

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