Friday, April 3, 2009

ripleys believe it ....or not.

me kryssa and ray did our usual birthday outting, thank God with no alkie involved, cuz my birthday was a bit of a disaster with the korean soju(sp?) haha neways we went to ripleys believe it or not thanks to sum hook ups with some ticks from mae will explain themselves..

this is a fertility statue, supposedly if you touch/rub the statue you'll get preggy!...o sweet jesus, hopefully its not true cause i touched it..not to mention kryssa rubbed the baby. hahaha
kryssa and her husband swallowing his nose.
crazy cable car made outta matchsticks!!! all matchsticks!...not wood.
heaviest man in the army (900 pounds)..he has baby aarons feet..and the elvis pic in the background is a pic of all barcodes..
a furry trout...idk..if uhm...this is believable..but i guess..
padaung, burma...just had to throw this in there cause you know, for the bu peeps out there.
they put rings on their neck for every...uhm birthday until 25?..i got too lazy to read the exact story.
me and kryssa lobstering it.
kryssa and ray..eating the smoolicious clammy chowder
our ghetto ass boonies background that we didnt realize..
i kept the D60. so you'll be getting hopefully better quality pics..=) till next time...see you then.
the grass withers, and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever. 1 Peter 1: 24-25
kinda like an analogy of some things are bound to happen, you're goin to win some and lose some friends, but in the end real ones stay forever..

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