Tuesday, April 7, 2009

niko, my new love.

i've been messin around with niko a lot since ive gotten him..not to mention dropped him once.
=(...but thank God hes ok.. heres some of the nice ones so far..

PICTURE OF THE DAY: a pic of mae mae through the hole of my extra pegs off my bike. no photoshop or nada..but it sure do look like it was caught in a bubble.

the rain overcasting the dorms in sj.
the best soda as of now..manzaniiita SOL...limited edition..only sold in special mexican places. when you get your hands on it, you just cant get enough.
some random shot.
thysa "reading" sports illustrated..(supposed to be one of those shots that turn guys on cause the girl is readin a "guys" magazine.)
"lookin at the world through my rearview mirror..."
waiting for my ma at Manila.Oriental.Market..tryna get a bit artssyy.
the vivacious colors from my moms flower at home...quite a peaceful view.

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