Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the end of many ERAs.

so ive been waiting for the birth of when my blog first started, but ive been so caught up with bunch of junk, i missed it!...until now i realized it was april 9th where it all began, which sparked my blogger hobby was all with the excitement of gettin allen iversons autograph, meeting him, all this other stuff because i was soooo iverson decided to be rude that day and didnt warm up during meet and greet session.=(....i came back home with marcus camby and buncha other ZzZZZzz players..

neway, ive been thinkin during down time in class..because schools winding down i havent been able to concentrate because im in summer mode already.. but its sad to reminisce on the old days of when we had everywhere to buy we have narrowed it down to buy, target...and the other rands. more electronic places....por ejemplo:
The end of an ERA:

la circuit citay.

virgin megastore in la san flancisco.
whats about to be the end of an ALLEN IVERSON era.=(...and when that era is done...the world will be very we should all keep him in our prayers because he needs the prayers to get a ring before he pulls that "R" card on all of us...

on the flipside, his protege ...derrick rose is gon be just like him making the bulls and celtics playoff series right now the most intense as of this years season...

and because of this ridiculous recession bush caused us...we should go out and get all the amazing discounts we could get before they shut down! cause its all about stretching your dolla these days!

In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all waer our like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. Psalm 102: 25-26

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

random photoshoot.

photoshoots in sf & oakland..

where they shot one of the princess diaries scene at the basketball courts. with alcatraz in the background.
the other end of convent of the sacred heart, herbert center.
VIII's. with the jordan hologram still clean.
saya visiting and me making him wave the fast track around to work. hahaha
photoshoot in westoakland with the girls.

R,P,S. bench.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

ghettto revival.

im a bit late on this blog but revival pics from saturday in san will speak by itself.

the drop looks real.
spittin game..through a church!?...yikes..
alyssa the winner with her playa hata letta.
the lovely couple..aka default for FB nway!
the choo's with a nathan replacement..but mae got the nathan smile down..almost...
CB represeeeent. cross bearers..
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


have you heard musiq soulchild's version of Love...well check this vid out..thanks to nathan who pointed out to me that its originally LORD instead of LOVE..but still a great song. check it out!

Youth camp forms are due this weekend by sunday...dont forget!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

holy weekend.

easter weekend was fun but very very tiring. if only we had spring break the next day because by the time sunday was over i was super light headed and could barely even function after 6 pm. but pics will tell its own story.
my japanese baby.
pacifica's beach.
he loves me, he loves me not status.
sunrise service across the bridge.
matching hobo gloves.

almost failed.
good jump.
pet snake we won from my claw machine.
happy easter egg hunting.
cross bearers tee.
before our trip to egypt.

Friday, April 10, 2009

"will you be my baby tonight...."

mmm...happy good friday. or idk if its supposed to be a "happy" occassion but eh. its almost quite, because Jesus is riiisseeen and two,..because i get to eat mcdonalds again on sunday..OH BOY! and its easter sunrise service...its always nice to wake up and see the sun rise especially celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.

heres some pics that maemae snapped with niko last sunday..haha some cuties..

heres phillip. he only speaks karen..and if you dont understand, no worries he can talk with his hands! talented boy!

and he can even read spanish!....oh future womanizer!cute girl with a distinctive face...the lil gangstas..without their BOSS..where is he?o here he is..being the big man in his tux..helpin the cute little girls out..what a man, what a man.. he forgot to clean up his brothers nose cause he was so focused on the cute girlsslanging some candy in the corner.
on her way to the successful road of obesity. haha jk jk.
o don't mess with this boy, he can pop his eyes out..
... or actually i meant flip his eye lids out freakishly.the boss and his follower
digging for some hard cash in the wrong places.
showin off their read to achieve skills..i mean imagination to achieve skills..
these boys love reading so much, they stuck themselves into bookshelves instead...
...and then fell asleep "peacefully"...
i flipped on the tv this mornin and saw this showing. David garibaldi a mini famous painter whos painted around the world of famous ppl including at the warriors game of carlos santana..but this time he painted Jesus which was kinda crazy how he did it..check it out..its kinda draggy but fast forward it a bit..cause he flips it and leaves you in awe.

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people. Matthew 27:50-53

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

niko, my new love.

i've been messin around with niko a lot since ive gotten him..not to mention dropped him once.
=(...but thank God hes ok.. heres some of the nice ones so far..

PICTURE OF THE DAY: a pic of mae mae through the hole of my extra pegs off my bike. no photoshop or nada..but it sure do look like it was caught in a bubble.

the rain overcasting the dorms in sj.
the best soda as of now..manzaniiita edition..only sold in special mexican places. when you get your hands on it, you just cant get enough.
some random shot.
thysa "reading" sports illustrated..(supposed to be one of those shots that turn guys on cause the girl is readin a "guys" magazine.)
"lookin at the world through my rearview mirror..."
waiting for my ma at Manila.Oriental.Market..tryna get a bit artssyy.
the vivacious colors from my moms flower at home...quite a peaceful view.