Friday, November 21, 2008

celebrity stataz.

so i had a fairly rough and upsetting night last night...thanks to some lame friends who arent very appreciative...but as i slept and prayed on it last night..i woke up to a new and improved facial!..hahaha well i dint exactly wake up to it..but i did get a facial today. pampered on the face and kno how them celebs do it! haha well since i dint get to bring my handy camera to take pics i'll try and google pics online to kinda show you what, how, and felt like.

i walked in and napped for twenty minutes to a clausterphobic small dimmed lighting with relaxing ocean noise in the background...
very similar to this room but a bit smaller and more dim.

then finally the woman walks in after her "ten minute" lunch break..and starts chattin it up with me like she was my bestfriend.. she begins to put banana scent gooey junk on my face which feels a bit good. and then starts massaging it. her hands felt like a machine, quite rough (keep your minds out them gutters) and then she pulls out the steamer and my head feels like its in a sauna (sona?) i can barely breath. then she begins to peel my dead skin off with lord knows what. and then she starts tryna have another conversation with me askin "so what moisturizer do you use" and i told her the shesheido one...or whatever (which is where i got the facial) and she goes ask o the one with the pam? and im like huh?..totally lost "the one with the pam?" and it finally came to my senses, the fobberizer was tryna say PUMP. o sweet jesus..then she puts on this thick cement like feeling texture on my face.. and tells me it would be a bit cold...little did she warn me it was FROZEN. the mask dried up on my face and made me feel dead. i couldnt even feel my face cuz it was soooo cold.. but i did get to have some cucumbers on my eyes...
( note: dont EVER look up facial on google images, you'll be forever disgusted)
but yea thats how i looked and you can kinda see her mask is drying up disturbingly hard. and after twenty minutes but felt like three hours, she came in again and pulled the mask off and put some moisturizer on my face and TAHDAH..facial status!

and this is how my face looked after...smoother than a smooth criminal...i also went to visit my boo thang chloe after which not to mention she peed on me again.

on another note: for the past three years, no matter how crackin or how fun the year turned out to be..november and december have been the biggest nightmare months. its a time where everything just seems to fall apart and is very stressful for some odd reason. as bad and stupid as this sounds, i dont get eggzited over the holidays at all anymore...the worrying bout the little things starts to pick up in a fast pace. but as i picked my biblica up laast night and read matthew 6.. it says....

"therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

..put all your worries aside and focus on HIM, for he will bring you happiness and joy.

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