Tuesday, November 25, 2008

baby mANIa!

thanksgiving mania is just around the corner and i cant believe i still in school this week..san jo is ridiculous. but nonetheless, i convinced my parents to let me take the car out to san jo so i can go on a shoppin spree at michaels. im so excited because that begins today!...n then home tm..omgosh im so stoked. then after thanksgiving, hell will break loose because finals and paper will all be due within the next couple days. "murder, she wrote..."neway heres some pics of my favie kids that are theee kewtest. I thought i'd give a brief intro of them....


matthew the future gang banger, tryna kill the treasure chest.
baby, the intellectual kewtie.
rosie, the secret heart stealer.
christian, our favorite.
these crazy siblings. i dont evn know how to explain them. hah
faith and jo-EL
rosie and lily.
my ALL time favorite...rosie
aaron, the fattitude master
the kewties..with susu and kel kel..
"throw flowers at emily"!
"look kewt with flowers"
ok aaron..didnt know to show you were constipating on camera!

SUPPPPPPPPPPER kewties. black friday this friday..boy im eggzited..hopefully i'll get super great deals.. HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 1CORINTHIANS 1:4

Friday, November 21, 2008

celebrity stataz.

so i had a fairly rough and upsetting night last night...thanks to some lame friends who arent very appreciative...but as i slept and prayed on it last night..i woke up to a new and improved facial!..hahaha well i dint exactly wake up to it..but i did get a facial today. pampered on the face and massage...you kno how them celebs do it! haha well since i dint get to bring my handy camera to take pics i'll try and google pics online to kinda show you what, how, and felt like.

i walked in and napped for twenty minutes to a clausterphobic small dimmed lighting with relaxing ocean noise in the background...
very similar to this room but a bit smaller and more dim.

then finally the woman walks in after her "ten minute" lunch break..and starts chattin it up with me like she was my bestfriend.. she begins to put banana scent gooey junk on my face which feels a bit good. and then starts massaging it. her hands felt like a machine, quite rough (keep your minds out them gutters) and then she pulls out the steamer and my head feels like its in a sauna (sona?) i can barely breath. then she begins to peel my dead skin off with lord knows what. and then she starts tryna have another conversation with me askin "so what moisturizer do you use" and i told her the shesheido one...or whatever (which is where i got the facial) and she goes ask o the one with the pam? and im like huh?..totally lost "the one with the pam?" and it finally came to my senses, the fobberizer was tryna say PUMP. o sweet jesus..then she puts on this thick cement like feeling texture on my face.. and tells me it would be a bit cold...little did she warn me it was FROZEN. the mask dried up on my face and made me feel dead. i couldnt even feel my face cuz it was soooo cold.. but i did get to have some cucumbers on my eyes...
( note: dont EVER look up facial on google images, you'll be forever disgusted)
but yea thats how i looked and felt..as you can kinda see her mask is drying up disturbingly hard. and after twenty minutes but felt like three hours, she came in again and pulled the mask off and put some moisturizer on my face and TAHDAH..facial status!

and this is how my face looked after...smoother than a smooth criminal...i also went to visit my boo thang chloe after which not to mention she peed on me again.

on another note: for the past three years, no matter how crackin or how fun the year turned out to be..november and december have been the biggest nightmare months. its a time where everything just seems to fall apart and is very stressful for some odd reason. as bad and stupid as this sounds, i dont get eggzited over the holidays at all anymore...the worrying bout the little things starts to pick up in a fast pace. but as i picked my biblica up laast night and read matthew 6.. it says....

"therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

..put all your worries aside and focus on HIM, for he will bring you happiness and joy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

worlds best athlete.

sorrry for the lag every week, i've gotten 194 looks since ive last updated. thanks to the dedicated readers, i will try and blog a bit more often during this crazy season.

an ode to the worlds best athlete again. ALLEN EZAIL IVERSON. boy he never fails to amaze me all day. i can watch him and just get the butterflies, goosebumps, and heebeejeebees all at the same time. its quite crazy how after 10+ years i still feel the same way bout this crazy killa. hes amazing..and hes definitely the answer to the pistons team. i went to the game in the worse seats of my "season pass" career. was fairly annoyed but got to see my hubba hubba.

me, my pops, mabel, and uncle jimmmay!.yea..boys dont know how to smile.. (i kno you jealous lau kiddies)
captain ballhog. beidrins, and uh oh magette-o
on my personal camera with no flash..damn eyes slit shut.
they had to change it to monta ellis since baron aint there no more. hahah i feel like im almost taller than yao.
"stuntin stuntin is a habit"
look at that D...he got em on lockdown!
the closest i'll #1
mmmm look at that..(not the score)
o monta youve been depressing your fans with your decieving lies.

Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

...and he has definitely been guiding me...hopefully he will one day lead me to meet A.I. too. keep your prayers up guys!

p.s. i've got the 808s and heartbreaks cd by kanye. its not slappin...but if you do want a copy...i'll hook it up foooo FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE dog-e-dog..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11.08.08 forever on the dance floor.

so i thought i would go all out for my 100th post, but apparently my eyes have decieved me and the warriors blog before this was my hundreth! o well..its been great blogging for entertainment and reminds me of what i did throughout the year. last weekend was Kristin and Jeff's weddang shabang. it was crackin and pretttttttttttAY. def felt the love....heres some pics to shizzare.

the sanctuary with some random huge rock in the middle of it all...
the bride and groooooommmm
the jacka.
scuba nation at red mango
lindsmeista and glendazzzle
their wedding cake that was amazingly great and moist you didnt even have to chew on it.
their nice "fun facts" on the tables.
the "best" photographer of the night...too bad he wasnt in the program.
the photobooth pics! our driving nightmares of not knowing where to go. me tani and lindsay going crazy in the car cuz sarah left us..
the scubas. first with a family portrait.
our first testing picture.
me and tani..someone you can count on....to look for champ sports.
the bride and groom gigg'n to you can have whatevaa youuu likkkkeee...yeahhH
our "club" lookin picture..jeannies doin a good job at that while sammy's glow in the dark hands are ...i dont even know...
then when umbrella ella ella ay ay ay came on.. this mother busted out her real umbrella...while her daughter was crying cuz her mom wouldnt share with her...reeeedddeeeculous.
and the last picture of the night with me tani and Mr. and Mrs. Lue.

CONGRATS KRISTIN AND JEFFFFFFF...you guys wereeeeee cute. considering the fact we missed the whole reception sittin in the lobby hahaha

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves."-- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Thursday, November 6, 2008


sooooo... i went to the warriors game last night. it turned out way better than expected. i bought the cheap seat tickets all the way at the top of the nosebleeders but ended up gettin our way down to section 125 row 21. and it was crackin hence the fact that i couldnt cheer for iverson cuz this ridiculous man isnt even on the team nemore. ugh sucha dissappointment. nonetheless i had fun. it was me max allan cary shannon mollie kevin and my sis. on top of that i saw clifton, adrienne, brianne, shelly, raymund, jon li, nick, his ma, and to hear that jackie mah n monica was there...ooooo dang denver you is on fiyaaaaa. neway warriors beat nuggets 111-101 or sumthin along the lines of that. nuggets lost cuz no more iverson.

heres the view from our nosebleeders. me mollie and shanita
me max and allan
it looks like i was takin a pic with a actress...o pleaseee..
then down to our row 21 seats which made the game all the more eggziting.
beidrins on a mini close up zoom on my delaghetto camera
i tried to capture a picture of when that whole side of the crowd was goin crazy with their distracting sticks but due to ghetto ness of the slow camera, i missed it.
me mollie and shanita waitin for the bart.
our crew thanks to the best photographer S.T...
so this week hasnt been going well at all beginning with hearing that iverson got traded to the pistons two days before i saw him, on top of that a stat test i failed, then on the road back home for 2 1/2 hours for a stupid ref clinic, and so many more other lame things that has got to have made the worse week ever on VH1. but with prayer and help from the man above, yesterday definitely made up for it and hopefully the rest of the week will get a bit better...
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 1 peter 1:6