Thursday, October 23, 2008

tourista la vista

sorry been so M.I.A. been busy and lazy...neway so on saturday it was tourista day in the city. me and kryssa were supposed to go runnin around lake merced to start gettin in shape but instead we decided to go shopping on haight since we havent been there in a while. and on the way we stopped by the tile oceanagraphy steps in the city..then went to haight..and after got lost in the city goin to alamoo square. after at night young n dany came into the city for rob's bash so i took em to twin peaks..yeahhhhhhhhhhhhoooo

heres me and kryssa with the not original full house houses in the background.. i regret taking it with sepia. not a photoshooot! our own attempt to take our own pic with the city..pretttttttttty good i must say
heres the colored version of the city..and victorian houses
heres the steps with all the tiles..
fairly pretty..and fairly great wall stataz.
and heres our attempt to take a pic with the whole city on twin peaks. but the flash was disgusting and hit us a bit hard. but its me and the bon quiqui's of oakland!

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