Wednesday, October 29, 2008

rain on my parade

so i don't know about you, but i've had the worse luck for the past two weeks. for the wedding i get my womens . on the heaviest day....on top of that to add onto my emotions and my major itchbay moodswings. i thought it was all over until i see that its goin to RAIN on my parade again on howlaween. my costume...=(..gone to waste?...i know i dint work a whole weekend on building it for it to rain on it! ugh i guess i've got to pray my hardest to now have that rain!..well i have pictures of my costume i know many of you are dying for, but i will post them up on howlllaween along with the pics of it.

on a good note, i have 7 days till i see my lover ALLEN EZAIL IVERSON. as for the dedicated blogg readers, the last time i obsessed about him was back in APRIL...which inspired this blog to begin. i will now get to see my babesta again! hip hop HOORRAYYY HOOOO AYEEEE HOOO. hopefully denver can give the warriors a can of whoopass again. hah.

o yes, we will be seeing your beautiful body soon!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA MA MIA! today's your real birthday!...too bad you have another one to celebrate in may you crazy womanizaa....nonetheless thanks for everythang!

Chef mama mia!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

i was inspired reading a friend of mines blog..who always tied in her blogs with bible verses. i enjoyed reading them. Also in Jon n Kate plus 8's book, Kate begins every chapter with a bible verse to tie in with her chapter. I thought i could start not only to "feel and look cool" but to also enhance my knowledge with the bible and for you to also to somehow be inspired to read the bible more.

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