Thursday, October 30, 2008

say hello to my little friend.

so i was making a cardboard gun for eve's costume aka lara croft from tomb raider..and as i was making it. i was tryna cut through the cardboard but dint realize my finger was on the other end so wen i cut through it..the scissor slashes through my middle finger hence my little friend jessica. heres a picture of her blowing a bubble with bubble-licious gum.heres jessica going bald.she wanted a fade but the barber messed up so she ended up gettin a skin bald head. she looked like she was kinda she is again. with some lipstick on. she kinda caked on a you can see i'm bored in class blogging bout this lame subject. hahaha
and last but not least, my very little friend who only tends to pee on herself when she sees me, CHLOE BABBBBAYYY! look at her teddy bear stance. shes my homeDAWG foreva, shes one loyal dog.

ecclesiastes 4:10- If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

last but not least HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHAWNBU. hope youre having fun on your honeymoon in viva la hawwwwwwwaii.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

rain on my parade

so i don't know about you, but i've had the worse luck for the past two weeks. for the wedding i get my womens . on the heaviest day....on top of that to add onto my emotions and my major itchbay moodswings. i thought it was all over until i see that its goin to RAIN on my parade again on howlaween. my costume...=(..gone to waste?...i know i dint work a whole weekend on building it for it to rain on it! ugh i guess i've got to pray my hardest to now have that rain!..well i have pictures of my costume i know many of you are dying for, but i will post them up on howlllaween along with the pics of it.

on a good note, i have 7 days till i see my lover ALLEN EZAIL IVERSON. as for the dedicated blogg readers, the last time i obsessed about him was back in APRIL...which inspired this blog to begin. i will now get to see my babesta again! hip hop HOORRAYYY HOOOO AYEEEE HOOO. hopefully denver can give the warriors a can of whoopass again. hah.

o yes, we will be seeing your beautiful body soon!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA MA MIA! today's your real birthday!...too bad you have another one to celebrate in may you crazy womanizaa....nonetheless thanks for everythang!

Chef mama mia!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

i was inspired reading a friend of mines blog..who always tied in her blogs with bible verses. i enjoyed reading them. Also in Jon n Kate plus 8's book, Kate begins every chapter with a bible verse to tie in with her chapter. I thought i could start not only to "feel and look cool" but to also enhance my knowledge with the bible and for you to also to somehow be inspired to read the bible more.

Monday, October 27, 2008


the new and improveddddd Mr. and Mrs. Gun Naung Sumlut!....102508 was kb and Gn's wedding. Out in oakland for the ceremony and palo alto for the reception. It was exciting and different at the same time. definitely not what i expected but none the less it was fun. heres some pics throughout the night, but unfortunately during the reception i couldn't snap as much pics because i was em c. the MC. neway congrats guys!

heres the bride and one of the bridesmaid aka her sis before the wedding began.
kool and the gang. the flash hit us a bit too hard.
the happiest we've seen them all day.
the bride walkin in with her "sepia"
the only view i had from my cheap seat tickets.and this is only when we stood up to pray, i had to skip out on prayer for this. hah jk
boredom led to wannabe artistic photography. this is the program.
the program again but in a different angle with the ghetto chipped pencils holdin it up.
the bride and groom, again...during prayer when the photographer finally moved from the middle
our fam with the newlyweds
kool and the gang with phil, nway and the bride and groom
kool and the gangi gave my camera to mabel to take kodak moments and wen i came back to my camera to check on it, i see these hurt girls doin these ugly poses. ..just great. neway heres alyssa and mabel doin the...
" i thought i just saw kanye but really its just a typical looking black guy"
the "i think that black guy kinda still looks cute and im going to daydream about him look"
the "rollercoaster expression"
the "very pissed off look/emo" look...which can also be interpreted as the "im so annoyed of eachother" look
the traditional stupid doo doo dumb giggin kachin dance/parade
again with the bride and groom included in it..
Gn goin a bit crazy during the dance off that hyphy juice he had during the dinner
the end of the night with the choos
then the chows.

by the end of this picture, my feet were so cramped off the heels i couldn't even touch my calves because they were so fragile...and sadly they still are sore. haha congrats kb and Gn

Thursday, October 23, 2008

birthday shoutouts..

first off, i'd like to throw a belated birthday shoutout to nway nway. one of the dedicated blog reader of mines.. her bday was on OCT 20th so if you missed it you missed out!..happy birthday nweezy..not to mention you NEVER invited me to your birthday party. oh girl, dont act like i never heard about it!
next, uhm..the pics got messed up with the i'll just talk about it as is.. this earrrrrrrrrrlyyy mornin we celebrated young moolahs birthday at 12. tonites the party..and i cant believe im stayin for it. =\....but yeahhhhhhhhoooo... happy birthday young lai!

heres the slippers she's begged me for and i got em for her. haha TWINS!
heres the crew at 12 with mr. photographer S.T. on the fridge door opened.
young moolah blowin her candles...
and young moolah makin a wish before she blew the candies out.

and for the events of the year this week....its kristinas bash friday, kats bash saturday, and on top of that finally KB and GN's WEDDING BASHH!!!! 10.25.08 we are readdy for you. to top that all off ITS A G's HOLLLLLLLLIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY 10.25.06. hahaha

tourista la vista

sorry been so M.I.A. been busy and lazy...neway so on saturday it was tourista day in the city. me and kryssa were supposed to go runnin around lake merced to start gettin in shape but instead we decided to go shopping on haight since we havent been there in a while. and on the way we stopped by the tile oceanagraphy steps in the city..then went to haight..and after got lost in the city goin to alamoo square. after at night young n dany came into the city for rob's bash so i took em to twin peaks..yeahhhhhhhhhhhhoooo

heres me and kryssa with the not original full house houses in the background.. i regret taking it with sepia. not a photoshooot! our own attempt to take our own pic with the city..pretttttttttty good i must say
heres the colored version of the city..and victorian houses
heres the steps with all the tiles..
fairly pretty..and fairly great wall stataz.
and heres our attempt to take a pic with the whole city on twin peaks. but the flash was disgusting and hit us a bit hard. but its me and the bon quiqui's of oakland!

Monday, October 13, 2008

black and white photo shoot.

this is a continuation of the first blog before this. read n check out that first.
heres another photoshoot we had with S.T. it was the black and white ordeal. theme was"chillin with the PHATness"

models featured: christian, amanda, emily, mabel.
please no paparazzi's or flash photography out in public.

Asia's next top models

we had a photoshoot by S.T. aka self timer. it was a fantabulous job, the theme of the shoot was "sepia, into the wild with tissue/tampon cigarettes" it turned out great. we also had a black and white photoshoot and breakdancing theme shoot but that will be posted later. enjoy these and dont be too jealous!

models pictured: emily, phillip, amanda, christian, & mabel