Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the things we used to do

I should be totally working on my two papers or studying for my midterm tm, but of course of all times i need to really be hitting the books...i'd rather be writing my thoughts. LAME BRAIN. Anyway,..... I was just thinking back within these past five years and how its all winding down to an end soon before we can even blink our eyes. I'm getting quite nervous just as every college graduate should be feeling but i think i'm more nervous of how much i'll miss this college life as opposed to whats really going to happen to me in the long run and will I continue to pursue this career ive chosen. But God's working in mysterious ways, and i'll continue to let him guide me to which ever way he desires. I always talk about how things were back then and how much I miss them but i think the simple things in life ...ESPECIALLY in college is something that i'll def miss...amongst them would probably be:

1. Having so much leisure time to be able to nap and not feel like youve wasted half your day.
2. stay up late and wake up early..go to class on 2 hours of sleep
3. eat whenever, wherever, however
4. freedom to go to everyone you know and go to school with because they all live around you
5. being able to go cray on a thursday knowing no school friday.
6. having so much alone time and being able to gather thoughts
7. finding your true self slowly..but surely.
8. this isnt even what i planned on writing on but somehow ended up coming up with a list i had no intentions for, so before i go into typical lames, i'll end it here and continue into a more further in depth post on my 5 years of undergrad college life, probably after I walk this MAY!

Monday, February 20, 2012

experience with the right people.

One of the many many things I've learned growing up is that no matter where you are and no matter how amazing or paradise like the place or thing can be, it can not be satisfied or live up to its "greatness" unless you are with the greatest people. And that no matter how many times i've tried to convince myself that isnt true, it seems to only prove me wrong every single time.

I could be in hawaii with the best view, most relaxing sounds, amazing eye candy on the beach, but if im not with the right happiness could amount to what I've expected the turn out to be. I could be ballin' with a milli milli dollas in my hands and rollin through with a range rover, but if i had nobody to share that with or spend it with, no happiness could be accentuated upon that feeling.

It pretty much goes to say that, it doesnt matter how much money or materialistic things you have..if you dont have anyone to share or spend it with, everything is useless. Needless to say, if you dont have the RIGHT type of people to share the experience with, you pretty much dont have an experience to remember.

gave back in.

oh my, its been a long time here and i know you loyals have been quite disappointed. Apologies to the max, ive been busy and had a bunch of brain farts within the time being i was M.I.A. I was gonna shut this whole blog down, but i guess i can never really just give up on it. Ive been writing in my journal..NO, not diary..a journal, same as a blog but in a book instead....and if you can find it on me, feel free to read just dont tell me. haha but i guess i am back for whenever i do need some goes my first post back, just a short quote that really just lies straight to the truth...and to know to never, ever trust anyone and know where your loyalty stands.

"Always question where your loyalty lies. The people you trust will expect it, your greatest enemies will desire it and those you treasure the most will, without fail, abuse it."