Thursday, September 29, 2011

In his time

There are a lot of things that happen for a reason and I've probably been saying this for the past couple years everytime I share something. But recently what's been boggling my mind has been the thought of not just everything happening for a reason but how everything works in his time, God's time.

That's the most important thing to me as I think about what's the hardest thing in life. Beyond the surface of the norms of juggling school, friends, work, and etc. etc.. I think its not finding love thats hard or getting a degree thats hard or even as simple as passing my classes thats hard but waiting and being patient for what God's plan is for me. Understanding that for everything before you even thought of it, God had made a plan and that its in HIS timing that he believes that's right for you will work for the better.

I know I always bring it up or had been bringing it up also in the past post about my job and how I have been so grateful and humbled by God's timing and how everything has worked out for me within this past year. Just the fact that I was that typical struggling college student living off the parents, feeling bad to ask for money, sparingly used the minimal amount of money I receieved from them, all the while trying to keep my friends by taking the time go chat and hang with them over some dinner or lunch. And after a whole lot of patience and even actually giving up at one point slowly about to hit rock bottom, I receieved that phone call that changed a lot of things for me. Being able to help out a bit with my schools living situation financially and not having to COMPLETLEY depend on my parents/sister has been a whole nother humbling experience and I dont think without God, could I have ever, EVER be at this amazing point in my life of just being content and happy with everything that's going on with my life.

So whenever youre feeling low and rockbottom, just know theres ALWAYS a timing for everything and that one of the hardest, HARDEST things in life is to be patient and wait for God's timing. Eventually, He will get you there.

Heres something about the 1st Asian American NBA player who talks about his thoughts on being sent down to the D-league and then goes on to explain how he couldnt have been more grateful for having that experience.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things we take for granted.

On a first note: apologies to the norm readers who kept up with me while my days of inspiration was on maternity leave. But now i'm back hopefully to entertain you somehow.

There are some things we take for granted these days and as I slowly look back on the things that I grew up with during my childhood, things have sure changed. I don't know if its for the better or worse but the 15 years of actually beginning to understand the real world has definitely not been the same. I cant even come to think of the ideas of how the older generations feel when they didnt even have calculator to add up all their calculations or a even a computer. Here are some things that throw me back to the 90s while growing up and wondering what we used to do when we didnt have........

1. the EXACT time..What did we use to do when we the power went out and we needed something to tell us the exact time? oh, thats right. P-O-P-C-O-R-N. "the exact time is now _: _ _" Now we get frustrated when our clocks are all not synchronized at the same time.

2. Wireless internet.. i remember growing up and having a computer WITH a CD-ROM drive was a LUXURY..and having dial up internet that connected within 5 minutes and didnt wake the whole neighborhood up? HEAVEN. Now we get frustrated when the internet takes more than 15 second to load.

3. Phones..cell phones didnt even exist in elementary school..and so scarce in middle school. What a pain to have to wait for someone to pick you up and if theyre late or if youre not there theres no way to contact. You just have to search, search, search, and search until you finally find each other and are pissed off at each other for not being at a spot at a certain time/place. Then you used the house phone and that barely worked cause then you'd have your parents friends complaining about how the lines ALWAYS busy etc. etc. or itd be awkward to call the house cause you'd have to go through the rest of the family to get to you and they'd know who you were after the 3rd call. Now we get frustrated when we dont have service in some areas and dont know how to survive without a phone.

4. phonebooks..I remember growing up as early as kindergarten inspired by my dad and his huge phone book, so i decided to collect small little books and begin writing phone numbers of random classmates and bombed their house phones only to finally realize i always lost every book. Now we're frustrated because if you see someone with a phonebook..they're rich cause they probably got it from urban outfitterz.

5. playing on the streets.. learning how to bike, rollerblade, and scooter all the time without parents supervision. playing basketball everyday after school outside on the block and meeting/ making enemies with the neighboorhood kids...not having to worry about those nasty nasty predators who kidnap, steal, and rape. Now we get frustrated cause kids are getting fat sitting at home facebooking at the age of 8 cause we're scared they'll get kidnapped and raped on the streets as if it wouldnt happen online talkin to strangers.

6. circuit city, woolworth, longsdrugs, mervyns...random stores that you grew up with but because of the economy everythings shutting down. Now you can only get everything from Bestbuy or target..and the cities that have walmart. -___-. Now we get frustrated because we can't get those 50% disounts we used to get from our friends that worked at the stores that closed down. Boo for thrifters.

7. cassette tapes...back when we would transform the cassette into a CD or cassette to cassette. Still got the FANMAIL T.L.C. cassette in my car ready to play nooooo scrubs and when you overplayed the darn thing you had to rewind the film back in with your fingers. Seeing a cassette tape today is like seeing an ancient egyptian script on the walls of a pyramid. Sad to say cds are now becoming the cassettes from then. Now we get frustrated cause we cant download free music off napster and limewire.