Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The world is coming in full circle

i've been MIA from this blog cause ive been on mini vacays all round and have been quite the laze to update, but i hope this does well for all my fellow Burmese peeps and anyone else who's interested. It's always exciting to hear or see anything about Burma in the world just because its such a small unknown country that nobody knows of, well except for maybe the bayarea. But i just found out that the new portland trailblazers GM is BURMESE!! talk about hopes of networking into the NBA business! Heres the article on his new team that he just bought and the following link is the link to wikipedia that has a mini biography on him..http://www.katu.com/sports/98761429.htmland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Cho. Born in Burma, raised in Washington State.

Two thumbs up for the Burmese community!

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